Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge! Shadow Snitch!



Shadow Snitches are created by the conjurers of the Chaos Legion. Weaving Death magic, they breathe life into beings made completely of darkness. The purpose of the Shadow Snitches is to be deployed into lands prior to the Chaos Legion's invasion. Moving from shadow to shadow, they are listeners and watchers, feeding information back to the Chaos Legion.

But once the invasion is complete, the Shadow Snitches still serve a purpose. They can locate and follow high-value targets, reporting back on movements to Chaos Legion leadership. If needed, Shadow Snitches can also capture prisoners and bring them back for interrogation.


I considerate myself as a new player (this is my very first article as well 😌) and based on my experiences and what I saw Shadow Snitch is not a very popular card as it is very slow and has low damage, but there is one ruleset where he could shine, which is the "Little League".


Let's see his stats and abilities on all levels.




Armored UpAll Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.
Little LeagueOnly Monsters & Summoners that cost 4 Mana or less may be used in battles.

My lineup and the decision behind it:

Owster Rotwell


One of the strongest attack in Splinterlands and especially in Little League is the magic attack. In this ruleset we are using low mana cards and most of them has very little health and the magic attack monsters are just the "kings". In this battle that I am going to show you all the monsters got 2 armor, so they are a bit protected from normal attack, such as melee and ranged.
The only way the opponent could hurt us badly is magic, so it very a very good idea to use Owster and his Magic Reflect ability to repel their attack back to them. Blue and Green Splinter choice is open, which has got the most devastating magic monsters, so we need to prepare against them.


Animated Corpse

Animated Corpse is an excellent tank with his 4 mana cost and 6 health and his ability from the summoner will make it even more effective.


Shadow Snitch

Shadow Snitch and his Reach ability (Attacking from behind the tank) makes him a very good off-tank.


Twisted Jester

Twisted Jester is a very strong ranged attacker with 2 damage and Snipe ability (Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position) and with the possibility to kill the opponent healer or damage dealer behind their tank.


Venari Bonesmith

The most important skill of the Venari is the Life leech, which will help the Venari to build up his health when it is damaging their opponent.


Life Sapper

Life Sapper is the "twin" brother of the Venari and his ability is the same, which is an amazing option to heal/build up his life.


Doctor Blight

Doctor Blight and his amazing skill Affliction (When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of 50% applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.) and his Camuflage (This Monster cannot be targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position) allows him to take out monsters with the ability to heal and until the end of the battle it will be untargetable.




Click on the picture for the replay

battle result.png

The battle was long and a difficult one, but I kept in mind that the enemy might use one or more magic monsters, which he did. The Magic Reflect ability worked like a charm and the two monster with Life Leech ability allowed them to withstand the enemy forces until the two tank were fighting to buy more time.
My strategy worked and paid off and I might use the Shadow Snitch again, but only in Little League.
I wouldn't change anything in my line up (apart from leveling them up), because the two tank did their job quite well and the life leech ability let the twins stay longer in battle and finish up their job beating the opponent.


Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my very first article and I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

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