Share Your Battle Challenge with Giveaway! Xenith Archer!



The Xenith Scale is devoted to enlightenment, knowledge, and the protection of others. Members among the order practice to remain balanced in all things and believe Mana, too, should remain balanced. It should not be used to cause chaos or disorder, nor should it be used to tip the scales of justice in either direction. The order believes in fate and that everything has its proper place. Fate and destiny are predetermined, and they should not be altered.

Archers adhere to this creed in their everyday life. They often say, an arrow must be perfectly balanced on a bow string to hit its mark. If it sits too far forward or too far back it won't be able to sail through the air.

Like all Xenith warriors, archers would much prefer to find a peaceful solution to a problem or stay out of an altercation altogether. When they are pulled into a fight, they see it as a way to restore balance to a situation.


The Xenith Archer is an all around usable creature, because it is quite cheap and is a neutral card, so all the Splinters could borrow her services. Honestly the card is not a very strong one, but I found myself include her many times just because there is not much of a choice for 2 mana. 😊

It is a very good idea to buy or rent a gold version of her to take advantage of the 10% gain of income from winning battles. 🤑




Let's see her stats and abilities on all levels.


She doesn't have a lot of interesting abilities or stats on higher levels, but there are few rulesets, which can make her stronger than before. 💪 One of the best ruleset for her in lower levels is the Reverse Speed and Little League. The best choice as a Summmoner for her would be General Sloan and Selenia Sky, because they provide +1 🏹 Ranged Attack to all of their creatures, which is huge.

On higher levels she raises her speed as well, so it will become much stronger and capable of hitting her target with more ease. 😇



Silenced SummonersSummoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Kretch Tallevor


I never used Kretch Tallevor before and this time as well I just rented him for the Collection Power requirement for higher League. He is one of the cheapest Dragon Splinter, because he cost only 3 mana and allows you to use all the Dragon cards in your collection. Luckily I could use him to overpower my opponent. 💪


Main Tank
Living Lava


The Living Lava is one of the best main tank within the Fire Splinter, because he is a starter card, so everyone can use it. (After the new update it is better to own it if you don't want to lose Reward Share)

He has the Shield ability, which will reduce the damage from Melee and Ranged attacks by half, so basically you will receive half the damage your opponent is dealing to the Living Lava. In a Reverse Speed ruleset he is almost invincible and with the help of Tarsa he will become like a terminator with her +1 ⚔️ Melee Attack and +1 ❤️ Health. 😊


Damage Dealer
Naga Assassin


The Naga Assassin is like the opposite twin sister of the Xenith Archer, because they have the same stats and mana cost on Level 1, but the Naga Assassin has 5 speed, which makes her much stronger in normal circumstances. She will certainly start the fight and the 5 speed allows her to dodge as much attacks as she can. 😁


Damage Dealer
Xenith Archer


The Xenith Archer looks quite weak to some of the creatures, because her speed is quite low being one, which is the minimum. It is very difficult for her to hit anyone from the opposing team, but as a 2 mana cost creature she comes very handy in low mana fights. 😌


Sneaky Damage Dealer


The Uraeus is an amazing creature and that is why I bought a golden version of him. He is almost an auto include in many of my team, because he is a Sneaker, which helps me to get rid of the enemy backline with an ease and he also equpiied with Armor 🛡, which allows him to block one attack completely. 😚




Click on the picture for the replay


The battle was a very lucky one and the superstar was clearly the Uraeus 😊. He was able to kill the enemy team from the back quick enough before they would reach him. The Living Lava holded his ground long enough and with the help of the Naga Assassin and the Xenith Archer they managed to kill the otherwise overpowered Cursed Windeku. 💪

The two main tank died in the same round and the Uraeus continually attacked their Life Sapper, which otherwise would survive out my entire team, because of his Life Leech ability.

Luckily he was not quick enough to build up his own Health ❤️ and my creatures secured the win for me. I was very happy for the result and that shows how strong the low mana cost cards could be.

Giveaway Time!

I love giveaways as I personally think it is a very good way to reward those people in the community who are willing to read and support others contents.

So, I will run a raffle and the prize will be a Xenith Archer.


The Winner 👑 will be chosen and notified when this post pays out and will be chosen with this tool.

In order to participate just need a comment. Any upvote, re-blog, tips are not necessary, but it is much appreciated.

And let's see who won the Twillight Basilisk from my previous Battle Challenge post.


The Winner is @xheadhunterz, Congratulations and thank you to everyone who was participated.



I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up, write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

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