Opening a Gladius Pack! 🍀🍀🍀


Hello Everyone!

The Guild Brawl finished yesterday and I got my rewards taking part in that, which was not much only 10.824 SPS and 978 Merits, but with this addition it was enough to buy one Gladius pack from the shop! 😁


The Gladius Packs are one of the strongest in the whole Splinterlands, because all of the monsters from these packs has the Bloodlust ability, which means if a monster with this ability kills another monster directly or indirectly on the battlefield they will increase all of their own stats by one permanently until end of the battle. 💪



I have opened five cards out of the pack and I have to stay I was very happy for the result even though I didn't pull any legendary out of it! 😏


The first card is the Whistling Damon, which is a low budget card costing only three mana and has two ranged attack damage. His speciality is his Snipe ability, so he will target the first enemy monsters with ranged, magic, or no attack that are not in the first position! 😊


The second card that I pulled is Chimney Wallstop who is a monster with the Reach ability, which means that he will be able to attack from the second position and he works perfectly as an off tank as well thanks to his high health and some armor. 😉


My favorite monster out of this pack is Marisol Contuma and I like to use him quite often playing with the Life Splinter. He is an Epic card and also has the Reach ability, but compared to Chimney he is super fast and other than that he is quite similar to his counterpart. THe high speed helps a lot to hit his target and to dodge the enemy incoming attacks. 😁


Alva the Crusher is an excellent tank, because he cost only 6 mana has decent health and 3 armor on her own, which is quite nice, but more importantly she has the Shield ability, so as long as the opponent is not bringing any magic attack mnonster she will be able to sustain a lot of incoming ranged and melee attack, because she will halves all those damage. 😜


The last monster I got was Helmet Kharafax and he is quite cheap costing only two mana, but sadly he doesn't have any attack on his own, which is quite bad, because he has to rely on a monster next to him with the Weapong Training ability. Other than that I do not really use him, because if he can not kill he can not use his Bloodlust ability properly. 😅


I hope you liked my pack and my opinion over these monsters and I hope I will be able to introduce a legendary monster as well, so in the mean time good luck with your packs! 😇


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