Best cards out of three Gladius packs!


Hello Everyone!

My current goal is to build a strong collection of Gladius cards, because I think they are the strongest monsters in the game if you use them correctly! The main reason for that is that they have the Bloodlust ability, which means that they will be able to increase their own stats by one with every kill they made and this buff is permanent until the end of the battle or until another monster Cleanse them. 😜

In my last Guild Brawl and from my recent Ultimate Chests I managed to get a bit more than 6000 Merit, so it was a great opportunity to buy three Gladius pack and hope for the best to get some Legendary or at least some Epic cards.

I will explain which card is the best out of the packs in my opinion and why! 😊



Opening the first pack and choosing the best card out of it was easy, because my personal favorite card from here is Quora Towershed. I am not alone with this opinion, because most of the time she is banned from the Guild Battles by either team, because she is so overpowered.

She cost 10 mana, which is a lot, but she a melee and magic attack as well, so she will be able to attack twice in every round. Her most important ability is her self Heal, so she will restore some of her lost health once in each round, which is amazing! 💪



In the second pack I think I would pick Chimney Wallstop, because he has a lot of melee attack damage and the Reach ability, so he will be able to attack from the second position. His only weakness is his low speed, but in the Reverse Speed ruleset he will turn that to his advantage easily! 😜



From the third pack I would choose a similar monster like in the previous pack and that would be Relenor Cleaver for the same reason like before, but if you hide your Witch of Warwick in your backline he might do a serious damage in a long battle, because he has the Life Leech ability, which means that he will be able to increase his own health through damaging his enemies. 😉


I will consider this three pack quite valuable even though I didn't pull any Legendary out of it, but I always happy for another Quora in my collection! 😇

Have a lovely day to everyone and see you on the battlefield! 😎


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