Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - The Perks of Joining a Guild

Hello Splinterlands Summoners! For this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge, I'll share our Guild Brawl.

Guilds are a group of players who work at a common goal and participate in guild battles called Brawls. There are several benefits in joining a guild but first and foremost for a player is to earn extra SPS and Merits from Brawls. Merits are tokens that we can use to buy Gladius Packs from the Guild Store. These contain powerful cards that we can use in brawls and regular battles if you have the right summoner or if the ruleset allows Gladiator cards. Another perk of being in a guild is a bonus to the Glints we earn. My guild gives me 12% more Glint earning just by being a member.

Our guild has just finished our Brawl and we are in third place. This gives each participating member some excellent rewards. In this case, 5,500 Merits and 92 SPS!

My performance improved this time at 50% win rate compared to the previous Brawl. In addition, our Guild placed higher compared to last week's Brawl.

We can now spend the Merits in the Guild Store to buy some Gladius cases. I have enough Merits to buy three Gladius cases. Each Gladius case contain five cards with one guaranteed to be Rare or higher.

Now, let's open the the packs and see what we got.

link: https://next.splinterlands.com/mana-well?t=a60ffba1afe782adc799db39892fd46149757146&ref=logen9f

We have a lot of commons and four Rare cards. This allows us to level up some cards.

That's a lot of cards levelled up. If I keep joining Brawls in my current Guild then I'll be maxing out my Gladiator cards pretty soon!

Joining a guild adds more fun to our Splinterlands experience so if you are playing #splinterlands and have not joined a guild, you can find one on guild-recruitment in the official discord channel.

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