“Mavericks House” Discord Channel Pre-Proposal


Edit: This pre-proposal has been edited. The sentence can be seen with a strike through and will be removed from the final proposal.


We have seen how the Community plays a vital role within Splinterlands. The objective is to attract loyal and influential parties such as 3rd Party Supporting Sites, influencers and key stakeholders to a forum where the Splinterlands Team may have discussions, formulate action plans and receive constructive feedback as opposed to disrespect and negative attacks. This forum is also known as the Maverick’s House on Discord.

This particular proposal is used to identify key issues and potential resolution, sought out by @leveluplifeph through communication with existing Mavs, this information has been collated, discussed and presented within this proposal.

Please be advised that I have intentionally left out specific measures considered as resolutions, should this proposal pass, it will be up to the Community and Splinterlands Team to decide on the best course of action to be implemented. I will, however, share the ideas for the team perusal.

The Proposal

“Mavericks House” Discord channel requires 100,000 Staked SPS. In addition to the 100,000 stake there will be 4 Community Moderators.

  • All current Mavericks will be grandfathered in for 60 days. After 60 days everyone's stake will be verified to meet the requirement. Note that only for current mavericks a delegation up to 100,000 Staked SPS will be allowed to keep current Maverick status active.
  • Maverick status will require each player to maintain a verified 100,000 staked SPS.
  • Any future Maverick who meets the 100,000 minimum SPS requirement will be manually approved into the Maverick Channel by the moderators. Note that future Mavericks will be required to own and maintain 100,000 Staked SPS and a delegation will not apply. This will go into effect immediately in the event the proposal passes an official vote.

Moderators Basic Guidelines

  • Trolling, belittling and personal attacks are unacceptable behavior.
  • Constructive criticism is welcomed, as long as it is projected in a professional manner.
  • All Mavericks will be expected to be respectful to the Moderators and Team members alike.


  • Creating the environment for more interaction with the Team and important members of the ecosystem.
  • Creates a way for new players to become a Maverick bringing in new and fresh ideas.
  • A use case for SPS creating potential new demand for the keystone of Splinterlands
  • A very clear and simpler way to get in and out of Maverick status.
  • Solving the problem of no packs for sale, the unknown future addition pack prices and release date.
  • Ensuring that a person who has completely sold out of the project does not stick around to troll the Team and Community.
  • Removing the lifetime membership for Mavericks and replacing it with a minimum investment that needs to be maintained.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Making a change to an existing accomplishment that could cause some people to lose their Maverick status.
  • SPS price starts to rise over time making it harder and harder for new people to get Maverick status in the future.
  • Removing the lifetime membership for Mavericks and replacing it with a minimum investment that needs to be maintained.

Recognition & Summarization

This SPS staked requirement was originally suggested by @clayboyn and I wanted to give credit, where credit is due. I would like to also extend my gratitude to those that assisted me with collation of feedback through PM’s, through Mavericks and Voice Communication.

There is one thing that is clear: we have a lot of passionate community members and regardless of if this proposal passes or not, I do believe in this project and remain optimistic. Onward!

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