T&A Legion II Brawl Results. Opening 4 Gladius


as we all know guild brawl fiesta is over today.
It was my 2nd or 3rd one in the new fray. I usually played Bronze, but after I leveled my deck to gold, and started ranked gold league, I got a little more confidence to challange myself in silver CL/RW fray. Also I forgot [sic!] to use my merits before and I stacked enough to buy 4 Gladius.

So summary first.

T&A finished 3rd. Top 3 always enjoys :) I won 5 battles, because there was one fled.
Im quite happy with my result. Especially Im learning the new fray.



Some Battles and some conclusions

vs Igopdadomlet

Stampede ability in match rules often means Water team, so mirror match, so playing Supply Runner with Swiftness gives chance for the edge. Izgald with opportunity is played as often as Quora :)
This is usually obvious pick for such mana. Opp monsters work great in teams. I saw many times Deeplurker fighting one meatshield to match's end, if Repair Armor times well. Thats why I played Chaos Agent.


vs Tungchook

Immortalis in action! Reverse Speed means Earth, means Quora. Target Practise means you dont want to use low hp meatshield. This is often mistake in Brawls as many monsters have Bloodlust.
My opponent used good counter for my team. Main question was - whos Affiction will apply first, and it was mine. Playing Acid Shooter was a little mistake probably, because damage randomness.

I discovered that Goblin's Affiction is something I need to play around in Silver fray.
Earth has no Cleanse, so lack of heal on Quora can devastate her.


vs Kingdada

What can I say. Lvl 1 cards destroyed me :)
It was second battle and my morale went six feet under :)
Congrats Kingdada!



Generally nothing too crazy. Common/Rares only. Unleash II and Silver Glads playable are not that far away, so every bcx is welcome. Maybe I will lvl up them all in this decade :)





So thats all for today.
Special thx to @atnazo for inspiration

And dont forget there is Contest I created.
You can get Possibilus The Wise! :)
All you need to do is to write some words about yourself and post it on Hive.
You can find details here: CONTEST

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