T&A Legion 2 Brawl Results. Testing Martyr ability


Hello again!
Long time no see, I could say.
The pace in SL is so high that sometimes it's hard for me to stop for a moment to take a breath, collect my thoughts and blog. Ranking! Brawl! Tournaments! And Brawl again and again! :)
But we all love it, don't we? And we hate it sometimes :)
I just realized that I used to start with "the pace in SL is so high" before...
Well, it seems nothing has changed :)

I'm getting practice in the golden league, I've leveled some cards to breaking point, I still renting some key cards.
During my little break from blogging, we got a set of new reward cards. So many of them!
I will mention a little mouse who was the hero of one of my battles in the last Brawl.


As you can see we got 180 points in this Brawl, same as in the last one I posted about.
We lack some good GF decks. Rewards from Brawls in our Tier are not that high to cover GF rentals. Especially for higher leagues.



What can I say :)
At least I'm glad I made some progress. My last Brawl report was a month ago, and I went 5:4 in Gold Fray, so I'm hoping that 7:1, which is almost flawless, isn't too bad.
I'm sure I need more practice because I think some of my wins haven't been as clear cut as I'd like.
There's always something we could do better, right? :)








Battles with Melee Mayhem and Life usually means Jared Scar.
This beast, with True Strike, Piercing and Bloodlust can snowball very fast.
The biggest Jared's weakness is low HP, so this card is very vulnerable on the first position.
But with MM, big Sneak or big Opportunity? GG

Low mana with Life often means Pelacor Conjurer, also.
This card is a perfect little tank. Often played with Dax Paragon and Amplify.
I was suprised my opponent played so many low hp meatshields.
Positioning is so important, even if both players have same idea about monsters setup.




Sadly it was not equal fight as lvl 1 monsters in Gold Fray. So this is far from great victory :)
I wanted to test how Martyr ability can buff monsters.


When there is Blast in the rules in higer mana battles I usually want to play Bosun.
This card has almost everything what you would want to have on melee monster with Reach.
Good HP and armor, Reflection Shield and rare Cleanse. Bosun really helps any Taunt monster or often played Uriel.

My plan for this battle was to take advantage from Blast. I knew it will kill Martyr monster and with 2 Resurrected it would buff Agor and Bosun 3 times! This is pure madness! How to kill these beast?!


On the margin. Consider not to level up these cards. Ever.
As you see I made some mistakes...


Martys need to die fast so lower HP the better.

Thats all for today.
Another Brawl starts in 6 hours from now. Good luck!


Image licence ISTOCK
Edited with Canva
Fonts thx to CoolText
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