T&A Legion 2 Brawl Results. Changes in Tier and my deck.

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Hello! Brawls pace is so fast. Sometimes this is hard to take a breath. In my last T&A 2 report I mentioned that maybe its time to move further, to Tier 3. And guess what - we jumped to deeper water!


I was a little surprised and heard a whisper of "be careful what you wish for, your wish may come true". I was laid back and I started looking for my fray, about 2-3 hours after Preparation started. Where's my silver, I said? All selected. Okay, so let's go back to bronze. All selected. However! I could have chosen any type of gold fray. As you recall, I just moved from bronze to silver a few Brawls ago! My dear brothers, damn bastards kicked me under a 30 ton truck with "Welcome to Tier 3" written on the side. True friends!

What I could do? Armor up! I rented some more cards. Recently I moved from my comfort zone, to rent ANY cards, to fill gaps in my not finished gold league deck, to play in silver fray, and now i hitted the wall. Cost to rent gold lvl key cards are crazy, especially before brawls/tournaments.
"There are far too many cards" they said. Oh, really?

I was thinking to lvl up my main deck with legendary summoners in the near future. But not today!
Well... look what I have done... I have other expenses... But... Probably you missed my great Contest with Possibilitius.
Not just you missed it, literally everyone :D
So I had one copy left, lonely one. Cheap to rent out and unplayable in ranked, as I play in higher leagues. So yea. Christmas was month ago, but there was no Santa as I remember :)
And that 1 bcx stopped to feel such lonely and useless :)



We fell off the horse [top 3], but not as deep as I feared.
I'm sure future brawls won't be as easy as the previous tier, but I'm rather glad we've moved up.
There is an incentive to develop, level up your deck, and play better.
Also, it's easier to chase the leader than to stay the leader. Challenges await!




We all bleed after this Brawl. I think Im close to believe in miracles when it comes to my performance. I did 5-4, my room was filled with steam from my brain after I sent my last battle.
Low level of my Gladius cards doesnt help. Lack of some cards, neither.
Other thing is that some cards are unplayable. Sometimes Promo, sometimes Reward.
This is something I can not understand. I think all of you experiented when you waste time for looking for card which is banned for tournament/brawl.
Anyway, we need to fight few more brawls to discover where we are in this Tier.







It was hot battle for me. My Quora was banned. It was almost obvious that my opponent will play her. In last seconds I changed my initial plan and went with Owster and amplify. I built my team around rented Darkest Mage, because his Affiction, which is a key to have a chance against Quora.
In the and it was not necessary. She killed herself :)



Rules: Aimless & Equalizer.
My plan was:

  1. Focus melee as the most trustworthy source of damage in such rulset.
    With 42 mana there was high possibilty for hp monsters and random range damage would be a key to lose.
  2. Bring monsters with Triage to heal my backline
  3. Add some high damage monster to drops bombs here and there, with a chance to finish with Deeplurker, what could trigger Trumple.


VS VINCE182900

As you can see on the picture - both, Vince and me, had somehow similiar basic plan.
Void Dragon as a tank and Izgald as a silent killer. Vincent went with support monsters.
I, as wolves hunt in pack, went full Opp monster. I had Dragon Jumper, rented with small budget.
What a great card! I consider to buy my own copy still, 3 bcx would be even better! :)



Between Investor and Player part XYZ.
I'm torn. With a limited budget, I'm not sure what to focus on first. I started playing the gold league, my deck scares with black holes. The CL set is not finished. Thanks to Cryptowinter, the RW kit is selling slowly. Rebellion is far away so having some key cards from UT would be nice. But at the same time, CL printing is about to end, let alone Reward cards. End of supply means opportunities...
Questions, questions, questions.
If you, my dear reader, have read up to this point.
What about you? Do you have any answers? Where are you with your deck and how do you want to play all these changes in Splinterlands, hm?


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Fonts thx to Cooltext
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