SPS over BTC in the Shadow of Krugerrand + EOS report


Hello again!
Ok! I know. Im not a poet. What could be less subtle than miniature with chest after EOS?
Do you see that cool golden light?
You could say - "ok I know!" Laaca got some great Legendary Gold Foil! True poetry!
Show me your loot!

Well... "not today".

The truth is that winter came and all I see is wood,
But golden aura is not without a purpose! :)

As I mentioned in my introduction post, I live in countryside. I moved here almost year ago,
so I dont have great stack of seasoned wood. Every 2 weeks I order raw wood from a nearby sawmill. It is in the form of long, uncut boards about 5 meters long.
All I do in my free time when it's not raining, snowing or sleet is refueling my Huqsvarna
and dancing with a chainsaw around this 5-6 square meter pile.
I have sawdust everywhere after the session. In the beard, in bed, even in panties. Sometimes I think my life has followed the beard and wants me to become a lumberjack.....

I will add only one thing to my funny and light as oak entry words.
Cutting wood is a great cure for anger. So if you don't like your politicians too much, spend too much time on Twitter - invest in a chainsaw. After a few hours a week, you'll start smiling at people and sleeping like an innocent child. I promise! :)


I dont have too high expectations when it comes to chests. Yea, thats cool when I get something really great, but lets be real - there is no holiday everyday. Other thing is I remember, not that old times, when rewards chests were fixed in numbers. This is easy to get used to good times, right? :)

As you can see I got 41 Diamond chests. I play Gold league most of the season and jump to Diamond few days before EOS to unlock highers rewards or maybe to unlock a chance for better rewards.

And another thing - I treat whole SL ecosystem as a game. Ranked battles for chests are only part of it. As I mentioned in my previous post Splinterlands daily gardening
I try to play role on other fields also.


So as I mentioned earlier, I have some alts accounts. Four of them with just bronze CL decks. There is no need to post their EOS, you have seen loot like that hundred times.
Sadly I lost smth like 20-30 silver chests on one account probably, because I tried to claim them during the higest traffic on blochchain. Yea, I could write to support about it, but let it be as it is.

I want to share it as perspective, how average player can manage his assets. This is only one of many ways. And on the margin, this is why Im so passionate about Splinterlands, because of flexibity this game gives to players/investors.

Main account season earnings
I play Gold with smth like 70% CL/RW gold league deck, which is worth around 2.5k$
Season income was 12.8$ for ranked, if we add potions it was 30$
So dont ask me about mytical ROI :)
But lets be honest - we have cryptowinter, so time to accumulate cheap assets rather.
Do you ask a farmer in real world about his harvest in December? :)


Alt accounts season earnings

Season earnings were around 8.5$ and if we count potions - 24.5$,
subtract 4$ for Splintermate for playing these alts,
while my assets on all alt accounts are worth 570$.
Many players dont give potions any value, but imagine you have 500 or 1k packs to open,
while both potions for one pack are worth 0.05, so 50$ for 1k packs.
I'm aware this is not the most optimal way to manage my assets or capital, but considering time I have for this game, Im rather content. Obviously I dont sell all these Reward cards, but keep stacking.






OK! Enough of this bookkeeping and lets move to the meat.
I hope you will forgive me that small clickbait - SPS>BTC :)
BTC is gravity and the Sun for crypto sphere. Is it enough not to burn me at the stake for heresy?
But you need to understand where I came from. I play games as long I remember and my beard is half silver half rust. I run my own business for smth like 20 years, and this is rooted in the old world, as I have oldbooks store. Oldbooks never die, remember! And finally - Im Goldbug.

Krügerrand Gold.jpg

I came to crypto 2021. I met here many people ofc. They are maybe not like bloodbond friends, but as companions sharing a similar fate? Yea. I need to say, that many of them have no idea about gold, and Krugerrand, the most recognizable coin, evokes A Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy Krueger rather :) Well, as I mentioned heresy - it sounded for me like that for sure!
What about West monetary orginal sin and closing "golden window" ?! What about true money?
True money as first manuscripts dont burn in fire! You can not hack them, rust them. Nothing.
Gold is like eternal vehicle for value through time and space.
And one question almost killed me one day, when I said Im going to buy a little gold...
"Are you going to buy some earrings or smth?"

But lets move back to SPS and BTC.

I must confess that I have no feeling/intuition about BTC and many other currencies. This is not entirely my thing. Not to mention there is too much attention and noise around the king.
I love niches like my old bookstore at carbon life. And I love the SL ecosystem because it's also a niche. This is a game, tokens or cards have utility. I can understand them. I can judge what might work or how to interpret an AMA.
Recently, this has also extended to the Hive blockchain. I've been playing Splinterlands for almost 2 years now, so that time has given me some grounding to start looking around. You can say "dude, it took you 2 years?!". Yes, I have my pace.

So slowly to the end...
SPS > BTC, where SPS stands for SL and surroundings . Yes, but for me :)
If I ever make good profits from my Hive Metavers activity and would like to cash out
you know what would be. Yes, that's right, Krugerrands from Elm Street.


Image licence: ISTOCK and PINTEREST
Edited with: CANVA
Fonts thx to: CoolText
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