This post will be a continuation from the last update on the traits mapping system (click here for the previous post). There're three things, I will address in this posts:

1. Traits Mapping Quadrant Reference


First we will start by emphasize the quadrant reference on using the the traits mapping. The maps are divided into 9 (nine) quadrants with reference based on compass 8 (eight) directional point. Each quadrants are in position based on the rate of damage/mana ratio and health/mana ratio. SOUTH-WEST will be the initial quadrant which encompass all cards (normal until legendary; and 1 mana up to 10 mana or more) with less than 1.0 tick of damage/mana and less than 1.0 tick of health/mana.

A card with stronger damage aspect will have a better damage/mana ratio, greater than 1.0 tick. These cards will enter the WEST quadrant. Meanwhile a card with stronger armor and health aspect will have a better health/mana ratio, greater than 1.0 tick. These cards will enter the SOUTH quadrant (please refer to quadrant with light olive green color). Other than that, cards with both strong aspect might will enter the CENTER quadrant. There are less cards fall in this quadrant. If there any, the card might be at its max level, and might be card with no abilities at all.

Cards fall in the NORTH-EAST, NORTH, EAST, and SOUTH-EAST quadrants (please refer to quadrant with red color) have the most powerful aspect as attacker or defender. Based on my traits mapping process, its very rare to find cards in this quadrant. Only cards with less than 3 mana fall within this quadrants, since low mana cards seemed to be less overpowered if compared with high mana cards.

Lets consider cards fall in the NORTH quadrant. A melee card costing 10 mana, will surely have around 25 melee damage, which is redundant and overpowered in any battle. But a melee card costing 2 mana, will have around 5 melee damage, which is normal and in par with most high mana card. This stark difference show the nature of diminishing return of status growth on higher mana cards.

2. Card Role Reference

I have also made reference for several card archetypes based on their general status. There're 4 (four) major archetypes with characteristics listed below:

TANKER- Higher health status than the average cards (accompanied with moderate or even high armor status). / - Damage status could be varied, from low, moderate, to high; which depends very much with the other status and number of abilities. /- Speed status is rather low (usually around 1 or 2 point).
STRIKER- Higher damage status than the average cards. / - Health status is rather low or moderate. / - Speed status is rather moderate (after all without sufficient speed, the card will miss most of the attack).
NINJA- Very high speed status. / - Other status might be varied. If damage is high, usually health will be low; in contrary if health is high, usually damage will be low.
SUPPORT- This archetypes could be either, cards starting at level 1 with a lot number of abilities (3 and more); or cards starting with few abilities but grow to gain more new abilities on most of the steps to max level. / - All other status combined are rather low.

3. Abilities Mapping Grouping

As I have mentioned in several of my previous posts. Its difficult to actually appraise and compare every single one of the abilities. A single solution we could do is to make a grouping. From my perspective, I made 3 (three) basic group based on the abilities coherency with the cards roles. And then I made sub-grouping for each group based on the abilities functionalities. Take a look at the image below.

Abilities Grouping.png

STRIKER ABILITIESStriker abilities are abilities which grant certain status effect to the owner's attack, altering the owner's attack targeting, double the damage on certain opponent, increase accuracy, and other thing which effect the direct attack of the owners
TANKER ABILITIESTanker abilities are abilities which give benefit solely to the owners, but not related to its direct attack; they're including abilities that boost and heal health, boost overall status, increase evasion, provide counter-attack and other indirect attack, immunity and damage reduction, and others.
SUPPORT ABILITIESSupport abilities are abilities which provide benefit to the entire formation or to card other than the owners; they're including healing, repair, dispel, and cleanse ability; status buff and debuff, accuracy debuff, and other protective abilities.
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