This is the new updated traits mapping made in conjunction with the release of Rebellion editions. In this mapping, we will use the new modern format, which means, Untamed editions will be omitted. The number of cards for melee fire splinter are less than the previous mapping (you can find it here), which is understood since the Rebellion editions only consist the core set, and no mini-set or rewards set are being introduced. So let's take a closer look now!

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Number of Card by Rarity and Mana

Rarity1 Mana2 Mana3 Mana4 Mana5 Mana6 Mana7 Mana8 Mana9 Mana10 Mana

Total there are 16 melee cards for fire splinter, which is 6 cards less than the previous traits mapping. Among them only 4 cards are addition from the Rebellion editions. The first thing, we could clearly see from the table above, that the mana distribution are focused on the mid to high mana cards. Mana range of 4 to 6 and 8 to 9 have been the epicenter of the collection. By the Rarity level, there's a little bit imbalance especially with the number of Legendary cards. The normal cards still dominate in number, but there are no significant difference between the Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards. Even the Legendary cards quite large in number though most of them are in the high mana parts.

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Traits Mapping



Most of the cards gathered in the lower part of the south-west quadrant but in term of health they reached mostly above 0.75 tick. The collection are less scattered which means there are less unique or niche cards. In term of speed the number of yellow-node speed are quite large in numbers. Health look very strong, as previously mentioned most of the cards are above 0.75 in health-mana ratio. Armor might come with a surprise. The number of cards with armor now reached half of the collection. This could be understood since most of the cards are high mana cards.

In term of damage there are no particular strong point among the cards. Their damage barely able to reached 0.5 in damage-to-mana ratio. Abilities has also become a strong point as there are 3 (three) cards already start with a double abilities.


Health seemed to be the prominent growth coming into the melee. Almost half of the collection will passed the 1.0 tick health/mana ratio. Even the high mana cards such as Grum Flameblade and Chaos Golem reached 1.25 to 1.50 tick. Damage grow fairly reaching between 0.5 to 1.0 with several cards peaked at 1.0 tick damage/mana ratio. Speed grow rather slowly as as only 1 card (Exploding Rats) reached blue nodes; the rest only few jump into yellow nodes.

The number of abilities unexpectedly grow quite large in number. We saw the number abilities jump from only 2 cards with double abilities into almost all reached double abilities and half of the collection reached triple abilities. We shall see them further in the next part.

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Abilities Mapping


The abilities mapping show a typical of melee collection; a balance between Striker abilities and Tanker abilities. One thing to notice is the new abilities coming from Rebellion editions. Actually this collection only show one that is Ambush on Goblin Soldier. Most of the cards are pure Striker such as Goblin Soldier, Chaos Orc, or Mordeus. The pure Tanker card are rather limited in number and focused on the high-end mana (Chaos Golem and Grum Flameblade). The rest are more of a hybrid Striker and Tanker cards spread across all mana.

There are almost no Support at all. Only Ferox Defender which purely take Support roles with its Protect and Repair abilities.

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Personal Thought

I think Rebellion have introduced an powerful damage output into the collection. They shift the cards mapping into powerful Striker cards. Most of these Rebellion cards also a yellow nodes, which means bring a fair speed into the collection itself. The good thing they already started as yellow nodes, which means a fair speed no only on higher league but also for bronze league.


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