Rebellion Showtime!! (Part 3)

I also saw a great shift happens in Water Splinter. The new cards collection seemed to bring Water Splinter into new direction and new style of battling. There are also 14 (fourteen) new cards will be introduced, which is far fewer compared to Chaos Legion with its 17 (seventeen) cards.

So far this week, I've unsleeved 110 packs; from which I earned around 80 to 90 Water Splinter cards. Unfortunately no Epic or Legendary cards obtained yet. But so far, I've found Mar Toren Seeker to be my favorite ranged cards for Water Splinter.



Similar to Fire Splinter, Water Splinter also grant 2 (two) summoner cards which is one card of dual Splinter and the other card with tactical optional buff/debuff. Zeddica paired Water Splinter with Death Splinter. So far Water Splinter are known for its swift high speed melee cards, while Death Splinter have a handful dependable magic and ranged cards. Meanwhile Prophet Rosa will grant optional buff between ranged damage buff for 2 (two) cards or Shield ability for 1 (one) card. These ability seemed a bit redundant considering Water Splinter doesn't have much ranged cards collection; meanwhile Shield are useful but for only 1 (one) card? But on second thought if we pair Shield against Djinn Oshannus or Wave Brood where they already possessed Void ability, this combination could turn them into overpowered "Tanker".


There are only 3 (three) new melee cards introduced in this editions, although the 4th its a magic-melee hybrid one. Pirate Of Eight reminded me a lot to Tide Biter, both having a swift figure with Reach ability. Meanwhile Blast from Pirate Of Eight seemed to be a total opposite to Reflection Shield from Tide Biter. Chaos Reard Guard are a great addition to Water Splinter since currently there are no mid-mana Tanker with sufficient defensive ability. Chaos Rear Guard is the exact mirror of Antoid Platoon from Fire Splinter. Water Splinter already have quite formidable high-mana melee cards, and Sea Dog Of Eight might find it difficult to fit in. Compared to Diemonshark, this cards are fall behind in term of armor parameter. Other than its Corrosive Ward ability, this card might lack in its basic parameter.


There are 3 (three) new cards added to the ranged card arsenal. Both Mar Toren Seeker and Sultry Barmaid will be a great aid to the mid-mana ranged, where currently only Kulu Swimhunter available to use. Mar Toren Seeker will also replace Sniping Narwhal as the Snipe card. Endura Brune raised some much question. Riftwatchers already released Coastal Nymph and Sea Stalker, a deadly high-damage high-mana ranged cards. Compared to them, Endura Brune seemed to fallen behind in term of damage. Silence, a very rare ability, is the only game changer for this card. But its difficult to measure if this ability enough to offset the inferior parameter.


Abundant number of magic cards are released for Water Splinter. These cards are distributed evenly starting from 3 mana and then 5 mana up to 8 mana. These will allow more flexible use of magic cards. Argarux Hydromagus will be the cheapest magic card for Water Splinter, and its Scattershot will be very useful. Thanalorian Scion will be one of the peculiar card we will see by far. With only 1 health to survive, it seemed appropriate to balance its survival by granting 11 armor and Void Armor. The only Achilles Heel of this cards will be against card with Shatter ability. This card also possessed Corrosive Ward, which make Water Splinter to own 2 (two) cards with such ability.

Anasth Soothsayer will be the Goblin Psychic counterpart for Water Splinter. But rather having higher damage, Anasth trade damage for higher speed. Daarg Deadblast will bring the additinoal Weapon Training for Water Splinter. I've seen that Fire Splinter also released Dalthin Ironhood to add Weapon Training; which means this ability will become more substantial to use. Daarg Deadblast are magic cards costing 7 mana which means it is in between Aves Sturgis and Skok Dustblight. Though it might have lesser speed and health than Skok, I noticed that Daarg already possessed 3 (three) abilities at only Level 2. Therefor great chances that it might gained its 4th abilities, more than the former cards.


Water Splinter will get Daigendark Surveyor as its non-attack cards. This card will be the equivalent of Failed Summoner from Earth Splinter. It seemed the non-attack card for Rebellion editions are made typical to be 2 mana card.


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