Rebellion Showtime!! (Part 2)

Continuing from my previous post. I managed to get preview access to all cards coming from Rebellion edition. Its enormous and massive!! I couldn't wait to write a lot of discussion and review for these cards. Rebellion edition will be released next week on Tuesday, December 5th; but in the mean time, let's take an early review starting from Fire Splinter. There are 14 (fourteen) new cards will be introduced, which is far fewer compared to Chaos Legion with its 17 (seventeen) cards.

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There are 2 (new) summoners introduced in this editions. Usually similar archetype of summoners are used across all splinters. These summoners are something very unique and unprecedented in the previous editions. The first one is Brewmaster Abraxas, a 3 mana summoner which allow the use of both Fire and Earth Splinter cards, and then nothing else. This is the new concept introduced at the pre-sale of Rebellion packs. I think it isn't a totally new concept considering Dragon Splinter allows the use of hybrid Splinter cards. Kretch Tallevor are already gained better advantage and thus no buff/debuff ability are provided for it; this concept seemed to be replicated for Abraxas. The only question might be, if the battle would restrict the use of certain Splinter under its ruleset; then would Abraxas still allow Earth Splinter to be used as long as Fire Splinter are available and Arbaxas are deployable?

Nomos is the new tactical summoner where optional buff/debuff are allowed to be chose prior to battle start. The card will cost quite some mana, and even thought the optional aspect allow increase their effectiveness; their effect are not to the entire formation but rather a few number of cards only. This usefulness is yet to be tested.


Rebellion released 4 (four) new melee cards which is half of what Chaos Legion had released. Gobalano Soldier provide an additional Sneak attack which would be a great alternatives to Tenyii Striker but with lesser mana. In Modern Format, we will miss Serpentine Spy and its Opportunity attack; but its departure will be replaced by Torch Vizier which has a better health for a 5 mana cost. Chaos Orc seemed like a standard melee card with no particularly interesting ability; but having 3 damage and 3 speed for 6 mana cost make it looks promising as a raw card. Chaos Golem has very much similar profile to Forgotten One, huge armor, huge health, and huge damage. But Chaos Golem seemed to have a more balanced way, having trade lower damage for higher speed.


Rebellion released 5 (five) new ranged cards. A great jump from previous editions where usually ranged cards tend to be fewer compared to melee. Surprisingly most of these ranged cards are high mana cards. Muspelheim Demon are closely similar to Blood Maker in term of parameter profile and their Scattershot ability. Without uncovering their additional ability, its rather indifference to select between those cards for deployment.

Torch Myrmidon, Dalthin Ironwood, and Rush Townsend are the heavy artillery cards. Dalthin looks more solid as Tanker rather than an damage dealer. In addition its Weapon Training ability could prove useful to support other cards. Torch Myrmidon is still difficult to assess before unfolding the practical use of Pincer ability. Rush Townsend with its gargantuan damage always reminded me of Hunter Jarx (from Earth Splinter); its a solid high-damage and high-speed with only fragile health to survive.


Only 2 (two) magic card are added so far. Kha-Zi Fire Magic seemed like your standard 4 mana magic cards except it got Scattershot. Infernal Firestorm looks gargantuan but with only 2 magic damage it will come to question if the 10 mana would cost too much.


Nimbledook Scout are the only non-attack card available for fire Splinter. So far it doesn't show its entire ability and show only Backfire as its main. This justify that this card should be best used as Tanker for the front-row. But still without armor traits this card might found difficulty to survive. At least this cards should have some supporting abilities to balance its rather fragile health.


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