
Weak Magic put a limitation into any magic attack by negating its capability to bypass armor aspect. Thus under this ruleset magic attack will work similar to melee or ranged attack, that is to land on any armor first. Since magic cards is much inferior in parameter value compared to its counterpart; deploying magic cards will bring no advantage at all. But this isn't always the case, especially if the opponent deploy few number of armored cards, or if opponent decided to deploy defensive ability such as Shield, Dodge, or Flying. So let's take a deeper look into Weak Magic.

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Pros & Cons

1. Magic cards become inferior in raw value compared to melee or ranged cards. So having a strong Splinter in melee and ranged should be an advantage and more safe.
1. Still most magic cards take role as a Support cards with various rare abilities. Deciding not to deploy magic cards might limit the formation from having various buff benefit.

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Best Cards To Use

Cards with Protect and Repair should be a priority for this ruleset. The high tendency to use melee or ranged cards rather than magic cards, would increase the chances to block damage using Shield ability. Card such as Dumacke Orc which have more armor value than health value, would greatly benefit from such ability.


Repair might become overpowered in this ruleset. All damage will run through armor first, which means for each Repair done on a cards, there's a chance to waste any excess damage from incoming attack (except of course if opponent decided to deploy Piercing ability). Ferox Defender which possessed Repair and Protect altogether, not only would secure damage block using repaired armor, but also ensure each and every cards gained armor traits.


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So here we have the battle experience with Weak Magic as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has the ultimate 99 mana cap, with Weak Magic as the sole rulesets; while all Splinters are made available except Fire and Water.

With 99 mana cap, you could go frivolous with cards selection. I decided to go with Helios Matriarch and pick Death Splinter. With these I have a rich collection of cards to select to. I bring a solid formation consist of 3 (three) rows of huge Tanker, all having health beyond 10 value. The first row is filled with Night Ghoul, a powerful Tanker with decent armor and great damage. The only weakness of Night Ghoul is its low speed which made him vulnerable to elimination in only 1st round (and its aggravated by Taunt ability). The Gorlodon is always my favorite secondary Tanker due to its huge health and Reach ability. Queen of Crows follow next, a card with decent damage but huge health which I thought would be important. The rear squad are filled with Striker cards. Sand Worm should be shielded enough in the 4th row. Runic Skyclaw, another favorite card for high mana cap, especially to back-door any Support card using Snipe ability. And last but not least Berix Snakeye which I took solely for its 3 ranged damage.

My opponent decided to go with an even stronger Tanker, Harklaw. Djinn Muirat follow next, a magic cards which pose strong armor and health. The 3rd row is Queen of Crows similar to my formation. But rather than maximize on stronger cards, my opponent decided to put a more inferior card for their rear squad. Dhampir Stalker is a powerful Striker, but having only 5 health could pose into a liability. Silent Sha-Vi supposed to be a powerful ambush attacker, only if its at Level 3, where it will posses 3 melee damage. Lastly there are Cursed Windeku, which role seemed to solely trigger Thorns.


The speed buff from Helios Matriarch really lift up my formation. All ranged cards, Berix, Runic, and Crows all deliver shot into the front row, but opposed by their thick armor. The battle continues with a full barrage into Night Ghould, leaving it torn apart with 2 health remaining. Night Ghoul and Gorlodon counter-attack into Harklaw successfully but still left it with 5 health remaining. Sand Worm successfully deliver a blow into Cursed Windeku which deplete half of its health; but this cost Sand Worm 2 damage due to Thorns.


The battle run into 2nd round, and my artillery keep barraging the front row which still met with so much resistance. Silent Sha-Vi swiftly deal a fatal blow into Night Ghoul, calling The Gorlodon to stepping up. Following next, a total of 9 damage land into Gorlodon leaving it with 2 health remaining. To our surprise both Gorlodon and Sand Worm each score a kill into Harklaw and Cursed Windeku. Sand Worm got eliminated by the Thorns. This left the battle to 4 against 4.


The artillery keep pouring relentless attack into my opponent. This time leaving Djinn Muirat into 2 health remaining. Silent Sha-Vi have to take great effort to breakthrough Berix Snakeye armor. Meanwhile Djinn Muirat scored a kill on The Gorlodon. The balance now tipped off against my side.


The advantage of having high speed star to turn fruitful. As Berix Snakeye fatally killed Djinn Muirat. The rest strike deeply into Queen of Crows. My Queen of Crows was under threat from incoming attacks, but fortunately managed to parry the attack and survived the round.


With a quick initiative, Berix, Runic, and Crows score a double-kill in succession, leaving Silent Sha-Vi as the last man standing. Sha-Vi make counter attack to kill Queen of Crows.


The battle now enter Round 6, while Runic Skyclaw are tied off due to taking the front row, it doesn't take much effort and time for Berix Snakeye to put an end into Silent Sha-Vi. Thus the victory was declared into my side by the end of Round 7.

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I should underline one more time, that speed is an important aspect of any battle. Especially for high mana cap battle, where speed doesn't scale up compared to health or armor. Notice how ranged cards become a prominent card on both formation. Using cards such as Ilthain which grant Return Fire into all cards would be a great advantage against opponent.


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