
I felt joyous having battle under the Healed Out ruleset. Healed Out will set aside any healing effects, which includes Heal and Tank Heal (Resurrect and Rebirth are not affected). This ruleset will make players relying on attritional strategy to be ineffective. Health and any health buff become important to sutain the battle formation.


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Pros & Cons

1. Keeping cards with high health (or high health per mana ratio) would be a major importance. Any defensive abilities such as Shield, Void, and Void Armor are very important to support survivability.
1. Cards with Affliction ability will certainly be useless.
2. Void Armor and Shield would be the best combination as alternatives for players who still decided to go with attritional strategy.


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Best Cards To Use


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So here we have the battle experience with Healed Out as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has a maximum 53 mana cap, with Equal Opportunity, Healed Out, and Heavy Hitters as the rulesets. All Splinters are available except for Fire and Death which are excluded from use.

Both of us are using Kelya Frendul as the summoner, except that I'm handicapped by 2 level lower than my opponent. There's great simmilarities between our formation. My frontline are led by Legionnaire Alvar, which followed by Arkemis The Bear. Both should keep sufficient defense to hold the line. Then there is Disintegrator which I use for its Demoralize ability. Coastal Sentry is the Water Splinter meta for damage-dealer card. The rest of my rear squad are supportive cards, which consist of Venari Marksrat and River Hellondale.

Facing Legionnaire Alvar is Arkemis The Bear, which then followed Noa The Just. Both cards are no threat to my formation. But next there is Phantom Of The Abyss, a dangerous card which must be keep an eye into. The rear squad also consist of Venari Marksrat and River Hellondale, and also Drybone Raider, a stronger contender to my Coastal Sentry.


This battle start with a massive shower of buff and debuff from both sides. The first blood is drew into Venari Marksrat which just trigger the Martyr into my side. River Hellondale trigger the Rebirth into Venari and allow it later to be slain for the second time to trigger additional Martyr. The exact things also happen to my opponent Venari Marksrat, triggering double Martyr. The total damage boost is massive toward Drybone Raider, as almost the damage debuff is nothing. By the end of the round, both formation are in equal standing 5 against 5.


The round is opened with a kill from Phantom into my Arkemis The Bear. But in retaliation my Coastal Sentry strike into River Hellondale. The rest of the cards strike into Noa The Just but unable to finish him. In contrary Drybone Raider successfully landing multiple damage into Disintegrator.


Entering round 3, my formation claim a kill on Noa The Just. But it quickly oveturned with Drybone Raider multiple blow which slay down River Hellondale. Coastal Sentry also face a great threat, as Phantom 5 magic damage critically hit Coastal Sentry.


Drybone Raider put a really masterclass peformance. In Round 4, the massive damage again engulfed Coastal Sentry, and not long before Arkemis The Bear make the last stand.


It only took a single blow to put Arkemis The Bear for good; and therefor the battle is ended for my formation.




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