Updates to spltools. Classes for Brawl data

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I've begun work on an updated version of this post Celebrating 200 Splinterlands Brawls. A compilation of historical guild results and top brawlers. . That one was after we passed 200 Brawls. Now we have passed 250 and its time to do another one. Unfortunately, I was too busy the last weeks to time the post with the completion of brawl #250. Nevertheless, the update is coming soon.

I could have just used the same code I did last time, and had the post up already. But I wanted to take the chance to update spltools with code to work with guild data. Therefore, it will be a bit longer before that post is ready.

In this post I will go over the code I have added to spltools so far in this process. I'm also copying some of the code that I usually use to produce brawl reports.

Summary of updates
  • Class to download and work with brawl data.
  • Class to contain player brawl results.
  • Example script for using these classes.
  • New urls added to settings.py (Tournaments url, and some artwork urls).


New class: Brawl

I added a class for working with brawl data:


With the functions collapsed, the class summarizes to:


We have the init function, an internal function to fetch the brawl data, a string representation of the class, the function print_results, which prints results for each player in the guild we specify and a function to print a markdown table with the brawl results:


The output of this function produces tables like this:

GuildWinsLossesCrowns SPS Merits
Aggressive Gamblers83+3847140111.4997333
PeakMonsters Legion90+2422131105.0497486
PeakMonsters [Vikings]57+387311087.5415762
PeakMonsters [CHAMPS]44+38869575.5624976
Team Possible Diamond37+38938669.1114914
Roaring Twenties41+15486551.6033714
HD HYBORIAN DREAM10+4501512.901714

You might have seen these tables before if you clicked into one of my brawl reports.

New class: BrawlerResults

This class is a simple container that we use to store a player's results in a specific brawl. It collects the relevant data from the dictionary we get as part of the data returned by the call to find_brawl.


I also added a simple string representation, so that we can do:

print(brawler_result)  # Where b is an instance of BrawlerResults
> kalkulus, fray 6: 8 W, 0 L, 0 AW.


Usage example

This file can be found at examples/brawl_data_example.py.





Final words

Thank you for your attention. If you are interested in more posts about the spltools python package, you can find the previous ones here:

spltools update posts:

spltools update: Reward chest classes
spltools update: Checking which set a card belongs to
Initial spltools commit

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