Land Schmand

I haven't posted on HIVE for a while, but @azircon inspired me to get my thoughts written out. Please forgive me in advance, but I'm just here to rant and vent about land a bit. I'm looking at the white paper for land 2.0 and thinking to myself, what an esoteric convoluted mess this is. I don't have a problem with expanding land per se, but who does it benefit? Will it increase adoption, will it expand the player base?

Let me give you a hint.


Land 2.0 is a red herring, it is something shiny, it's some red meat to throw at people who are already vested that probably wouldn't leave if it was delayed in lieu of actual echosystem growth.

Meanwhile, I'm watching Splinterlands the company literally burning up two thirds of their potential runway.


Yes, packs that don't get sold get burned, and almost twice the packs have been burned than have actually been opened.

That's Pathetic.

Meanwhile we continue to bleed all but the most vested players. Chaos Legion card and pack values have continued to plummet. If we were actually onboarding new players these would be a cheap way of getting competitive in modern without even buying Rebellion-- but that just isn't happening. I'm seeing legendary cards that were $50/BCX a year ago selling for $1. If we actually had any new player demand these cards would be soaked up.

The relatively high price of individual Rebellion cards is not a result of demand for the cards themselves, but lack of demand for packs. People would rather pay more for the cards they need to complete their decks than roll the dice on packs. That is not a healthy sign for a card game. Conflicts has also created artificial demand for cards and packs that is not at all indicative of player demand.

I can only speak for myself, but I'm perfectly satisified with land 1.5 for the forseeable future. I'm more than happy with tuning my plots for the purpose of earning SPS. I am after all getting the SPS rewards I was promised for holding land. Am I wrong in assuming that most heavily vested people would feel the same. Do we really care more about farming lumber and elemental foods over new player demand? I mean seriously, I could give two shits about farming 'desalinization crystals' in a game that is unlikely to survive. I'd take a functioning Tower Defense game over fucking desalinization crystals (again WTF?)

What exactly are we optimizing for? Slow Death?

Morale sucks right now, you go into Mavs chat and it is like a bunch of bickering carrion feeders fighting over scraps.

It's Pathetic.

What exactly is splinterlands the company optimizing for? This makes no sense? Yes your Splinterlands assets will always be there on the Hive blockchain, but what good will that be if the company maintaining the game is zombifying itself.

I hope that I'm wrong on this. I continue to put money into this game in hopes that I am, but definitely not as much as I would if I actually thought it was thriving. I suspect that many feel the same way, there's only so much juice to squeeze out of your loyal fanbase. This is why I've had zero interest in Soccer and Mooncarts after getting bit in the ass by Tower Defense.

How about we shift gears a bit and actually generate some real demand? The people here keeping the lights on are starting to get exhausted both emotionally and financially, that much is clear. Chasing supplementary goals at the expense of real growth is a recipe for a slow agonizing death. Land 2.0, stop, just stop...

Who is farming who here?!


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