Leveling Up Rebellion Dragon Monsters for Level 3


Most of the summoners that we play with are rare. When we get them up to level 3 we can pair them with level 4 commons, level 3 rares, level 2 epics and level 2 legendary monsters. It's interesting that you can't go any higher with epic monsters than you did with level 2 rare summoners, so you won't see any epic monsters on this list. You also won't see any common or rare dragon monsters on this list because there aren't any in the set, but at level 3 you can start playing level 2 legendary monsters and some of those are incredible.

I think these are some of the most impactful dragon monsters to start leveling up from Rebellion if you happen to have some level 3 rare summoners to pair them with. These upgrades will also work if you have level 2 legendary summoners or level 4 common summoners.


At level 2 Ashinach picks up magic reflect which has the potential to destroy a lot of your opponent's lineups in the little league ruleset. An extra speed and extra health make some pretty sweet gravy too for 4 mana! This card is better than people are giving it credit for.


At level 2 Sevaya picks up the blind ability which some newer players may not be as familiar with. It's sort of like giving all of your monsters dodge while Sevaya is on the battlefield.


At level 2 Kei picks up the ambush ability, so you're dealing 3 damage before the battle even starts.


Last, but certainly not least, at level 2 Rage picks up Weapons training and adds a whole lotta magic damage to your lineup. It will take an extra 10 mana, but imagine swapping Aves Sturgis for this in your Helmet Kharafax lineup.

Most legendary monsters pick up another ability at level 2, These Rebellious dragons all deliver.

When picking out new cards to level up, it's important to consider whether you'll be playing in modern or wild format. All of the cards that I discussed in today's post are legal in modern. If you start to level these cards up remember that they will revert to a lower level if you play them with a rare summoner at level 1 or 2, or even a level 1 legendary summoner.

I would love to hear what some of your favorite cards are to level up. I'll keep pointing out the ones I can. Another great place to find them is the cards that you get beat by on the battlefield.

I hope this post has been helpful and informative. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. I'll see you in the game. If you're interested in starting your own Splinterlands adventure feel free to use my affiliate link to get started https://splinterlands.com?ref=jingo-submo PeakD is a terrific site for learning more about the game and the market.

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