6 years of Splinterlands


Discovery of Splinterlands

I frequently read finance related articles. I've done some investing in the stock market off and on for the past 20 years and eventually I started to invest in cryptocurrency. My wife dissuaded me from investing in Bitcoin as early as I would have otherwise. I read a lot of articles on finance.yahoo.com they bring lots of articles to the table from various other websites like the motleyfool.com and I stumbled onto this gem written by Taylor Carmichael https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/10/29/ive-spent-10-so-far-on-this-blockchain-game-assets/ . He's posted an updated article about his Splinterlands Journey here https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/05/21/this-game-could-make-your-kids-rich-one-day/ . I wish that I knew his username in the game.

Duration of Participation

I've been playing Splinterlands for 2 1/2 years already. I jumped into what felt like the deep end for me and I haven't looked back.

Time spent in Splinterlands

If you ask my wife, it's too much. I probably spend about 2 hours per day playing Splinterlands with some additional time spent here on peakd.com reading about the game and making posts when I have access to my laptop. It's easy enough to play a battle or 2 on my cellphone from anywhere, but I haven't figured out how to get set up for peakd posting from my cellphone yet. If any of you know of a good tutorial for doing that on an iphone, I would be interested.


I mostly stay in my lane and keep stacking resources. Splinterlands is fun and it's competitive. I haven't managed to place in the top 10 for any leagues or won any tournaments. With some of the recent changes to leagues where we can't choose not to advance I've found myself starting to dip my toes in the Champion league towards the end of the season even though my highest level cards are maxed for silver.

I continue to invest in cards here and there, but SPS plays a much larger role for in game winnings at this point, so mostly I stack SPS and more recently I've even started to rent SPS sporadically.

When plans were in motion to base earnings on staked SPS in addition to the games won and how sufficiently leveled up your cards are, I set a goal to stake 10,000 SPS (that was before I even knew where the cutoffs would be). I did reach that goal.

Now that our winnings are only limited by our SPS and we're not throttled for low level cards. I'm back to focusing on SPS accumulation. My next big milestone will be 20,000 but I'm mostly trying to get as high as I can.


Upcoming goals

I want to stay competitive in the game.

The broad plan for cards is to get my collection to where I feel pretty well maxed out for silver league. I think it's important to have short term goals along the way. Now that I have a level 4 gold Kelya, and Obsidian. I would like to get my other Chaos Legion rare summoners to level 4.


I'm also working to get 2 copies of each rare card from Rebellion and 1 of each epic. So far I've only got a handful of rare cards from Rebellion and 1 epic.

I'll probably get the rest of the Chaos Legion legends before I can focus on getting all of them from Rebellion. 1 thing at a time because there are so many great cards to pick up.

Advice for beginners

I would say to not get bogged down thinking that you have to play in Championship league right away. Don't worry that your win rate isn't amazing. Everyone else is working to win and the more you win, the tougher the competition gets, so a typical win rate is near 50%.


My current win rate is 50.9%. @star-shroud is on track to earn $149.20 worth of DEC for winning wild format and their win rate is 62%.

A great early goal could be to get comfortable with multiple aspects of the game like buying, selling and renting cards and applicable cryptocurrencies and start consistently winning your way into silver league with either modern or wild format.

Don't expect to earn much money (especially early on). Once you're consistently getting into silver league or higher then I would focus on staking SPS over buying cards until your Glint Boost is over 10. That way you'll improve your winnings.

I hope this post has been helpful and informative. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. I'll see you in the game. If you're interested in starting your own Splinterlands adventure feel free to use my affiliate link to get started https://splinterlands.com?ref=jingo-submo PeakD is a terrific site for learning more about the game and the market.

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