Jibbo uses a Sharknado to fight income inequality (with pictures)

Hello card gamers,

Last Week I talked about what it's like to be a professional blogger, and did analytics.

This week, while watching streams, I learned about some heavy topics regarding whales in Splinterlands. Apparently whales are really good at the game, and have super good cards and tons of money. How could I beat a whale?

Me, thinking about ways in which I could beat whales in a videogame.

Despite being a professional blogger, I don't have a enough crypto to become a whale, but I did have enough to buy my first card, a shark.

Me, lovingly embracing my first NFT.

I wanted to team up my new Demented Shark with other more powerful shark cards.
I did this by renting cards, below is a 2 step process on how to rent cards on Splinterlands.com

1. Press on the rent button. 2. "Sorry, The following cards are no longer available."

After finding a Wave Runner to rent, I was ready to take on the Whales with my new "SHARKNADO BUILD".

Me, with a trident, riding a sabre shark, commanding my shark army. ft. spineback turtle and albatross.

Watch here as I dominate this whale name "God103" I didn't see any expensive cards from God103, but he's a literal God which means he has to be a whale in some capacity.

Post sharknado beached whale god.

To all the little guys out there,
this ones for you.

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