Unleashing Olivia of the Brook: 13 Abilities Gained in One Epic Battle! (EN-ES)

Images obtained in @splinterlands

Hello Splinterlands friends, today I want to talk to you about a card that has been surprising me Olivia of the Brook, a card that might dethrone Quora Towershead as the most OP card in the game.

Let’s take a closer look at the card and enjoy a super fun battle.

Hola amigos de Splinterlands, hoy quiero he querido hablaros de una carta que me está sorprendiendo Olivia of the Brook, una carta que puede desbancar a Quora Towershead como la carta más OP del juego.

Veamos con detalle la carta y un combate super divertido.


As I mentioned in the introduction of the post, Olivia of the Brook has many similarities with what has been, up until now, one of the top cards in the game, Quora Towershead. Both are female cards, both have two attacks—one melee and one magic—and both are of epic rarity.

However, when it comes to abilities, stats, and mana cost, things change, and we quickly see how Olivia of the Brook is more accessible to use.

Como he dicho en la introducción del post Olivia of the Brook tiene muchas similitudes con hasta ahora una de las cartas más top del juego Quora Towershead. Ambas son cartas femeninas, ambas disponen de 2 ataques, uno cuerpo a cuerpo y otro mágico, además las 2 cartas son de rareza épica.

Pero en cuestión de habilidades, atributos y coste de maná la cosa cambia y vemos rápidamente como Olivia of the Brook es más accesible para ser usada.

Olivia of the Brook is a Life Splinter card of epic rarity. At its maximum level 6, this card has 1 point of magic damage and 2 points of melee damage, along with 3 speed, 1 armor, and 6 health.

Its mana cost is very balanced—6 mana points allow you to use it in countless battles. But pay close attention to its abilities, as this is where the true importance of this card lies.

Olivia of the Brook es una carta del Splinter Vida, de rareza épica esta carta dispone de 1 punto de daño mágico y 2 puntos de daño cuerpo a cuerpo a su máximo nivel 6. Además de 3 puntos de velocidad, 1 punto de escudo y 6 puntos de vitalidad.

Su coste es muy equilibrado, 6 puntos de maná nos dará la posibilidad de usarla en innumerables combates. Pero atención a sus habilidades porque es aquí donde radica la importancia de esta carta.


At level 1, we can use the Opportunity ability, which is perfect for this card with its 2 attacks, as it will be able to use both of them every turn.

A nivel 1 podremos usar la habilidad Opportunity que es perfecta para esta carta con 2 ataques ya que podrá usarlos los 2 cada turno.


At level 2, it will learn Mimic, a new ability that allows it to learn a random skill from the enemy team starting from turn 2. Additionally, there is a 25% chance to gain a random ability from the enemy it strikes.

What does this mean? This card can improve every turn, potentially becoming an absolute beast on the battlefield.

A nivel 2 aprenderá Mimic, esta nueva habilidad nos permite a partir del turno 2 aprender una nueva habilidad aleatoria del equipo enemigo. Además tienes un 25% de probabilidad de ganar una habilidad aleatoria del enemigo golpeado.

¿Qué quiere decir esto? Pues que esta carta puede ir mejorando cada turno hasta convertirse en una auténtica bestia en el campo de batalla.


Finally, at level 6, it will learn Reflection Shield, a very interesting ability that can protect us from Blast attacks.

Por último, a nivel 6 aprenderá Reflection Shield una habilidad muy interesante que nos puede proteger de los ataques con Blast.


Since I obtained Olivia of the Brook at level 2, I have tested it in countless battles, aiming to learn as many abilities as possible, and it’s in this battle where I reached the maximum.

Do you want to know how many abilities this card managed to gain? Don’t miss the upcoming battle!

Desde que poseo a Olivia of the Brook a nivel 2 la he probado en un sin fin de combates esperando aprender el máximo de habilidades y es en este combate en el que alcanzo el máximo.

¿Quieres saber cuantas habilidades llegó a tener ésta carta? No te pierdes el siguiente combate.

Click to see the battle
Mana: 43

Broken Arrows

The battle conditions made the use of Olivia of the Brook ideal. With Equalizer, the battle was going to be prolonged, giving her enough health to stay in for a couple of turns and start gaining abilities.

My opponent played with the Death Splinter and had a balanced team, mostly composed of very powerful melee attack cards.

In the first turn, there were barely any changes, with only Spirit Hoarder suffering poison, but the cards' health would prevent it from dying in the early turns.

By the second turn, Olivia of the Brook began learning abilities, the first being Flying. The healing support I was giving my team with Spirit Hoarder, Djinn Renova, and Sola Ranjell made the enemy’s damage barely affect me.

In the third turn, she learned Piercing, and I kept trying to wound my opponent. My strategy was defensive, so my attacks did little damage, but they were slowly wearing down the enemy’s creatures.

On the fourth turn, she gained Immunity, and by this turn, two of the rival creatures were on the verge of death.

In the fifth turn, she learned Return Fire. I also destroyed the first two creatures, Ever-Hungry Skull and Sand Worm.

In the sixth turn, she gained Cripple, and I gradually weakened the rest of the enemy creatures.

The seventh turn brought a new ability, Dispel, which was quickly removed by an enemy’s Dispel. I ended up eliminating Disintegrator.

In the eighth turn, she learned Shield. My team had three poisoned cards, but thanks to my Triage-equipped cards, I kept holding on without much trouble.

By the ninth turn, she learned Dispel again. Silent Sha-vi was the next card to fall, and my opponent had little left to fight with.

On the tenth turn, she learned Life Leech. Only two enemy cards remained to be destroyed.

In the eleventh turn, she gained Demoralize, and I destroyed Harklaw. At this point, my opponent was on the ropes.

The twelfth turn was the final one, where she learned the ability Poison and finished off Venari Bonesmith.

In the end, I managed to accumulate 13 abilities with Olivia of the Brook. And you, how many have you achieved?

Las condiciones de combate hacían ideal el uso de la carta Olivia of the Brook, con Equalizer el combate se iba a alargar y tendría la vitalidad suficiente para estar un par de turno para empezar a ganar habilidades.

Mi enemigo juega con el Splinter Muerte y con un equilibrado equipo formado en su mayoría por cartas de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo muy poderoso.

El primer turno apenas hay cambios y únicamente Spirit Hoarder sufre veneno aunque la vitalidad de las cartas no impedirá que muera en los primeros turnos.

Ya en el segundo turno empieza a aprender habilidades Olivia of the Brook, la primera Flying. El soporte de curación que estoy dando a mi equipo con Spirit Hoarder, Djinn Renova y Sola Ranjell, hacen que el daño enemigo apenas me afecte.

Tercer turno y aprende Piercing, sigo intentando herir a mi enemigo. Mi estrategia es defensiva así que mis golpes apenas hacen daño pero poco a poco están haciendo meya en las criaturas de mi rival.

Cuarto turno y aprende Immunity, en este turno ya 2 criaturas rivales están al borde de la muerte.

En el quinto turno aprende Return Fire. Además destruyo las primeras criaturas Ever -Hungry Skull y Sand Worm.

En el sexto turno aprende Cripple y voy paso a paso a debilitar el resto de criaturas enemigas.

Séptimo turno con una nueva habilidad Dispel que es rápidamente eliminada por el Dispel de un enemigo. Termino por eliminar a Disintegrator.

Este turno octavo aprende Shield. Mi equipo tiene a 3 cartas envenenadas, pero gracias a mis cartas con la habilidad Triage sigo aguantando sin problemas.

En el turno 9 vuelve a aprender Dispel, Silent Sha-vi es la siguiente carta en caer eliminada y ya nada puede hacer mi rival.

Turno 10 y aprende Life Leech. Ya solo me falta 2 cartas por destruir.

Turno 11 esta vez aprende Demoralize. En este turno destruyo a Harklaw y ya mi enemigo agoniza.

El turno 12 es el último, aquí aprende la habilidad Poison y acabo con la vida de Venari Bonesmith.

Finalmente he llegado a tener 13 habilidades con Olivia of the Brook. Y tu, ¿Cuántas has conseguido alcanzar?

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