Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Rebellion Reward Card Review. Halfling Refugee

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Hello Splinterlands friends and family! 👋 Today, I want to review one of the latest cards released as part of the new Rebellion Reward Card set. This post is part of the Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge!. You can participate as well by following that link!


Rebellion Reward Card Set 🃏

It’s already been two seasons since the Rebellion Reward cards were released, and we, as players, are steadily collecting them! The cards feature amazing art and are very useful in battles. Leveling them up isn't easy and takes some time, but we’re already starting to use them in various matches.

My Strategy 🎯

The best thing about soulbound cards is that you can't buy these cards with real money like everything else in the game; the only way to get them is by playing. When you play, you earn Glint (a soulbound kind of token), which you can later spend in the shop. My strategy for collecting these cards has been buying Batch 1 of every chest available:


I still need to buy the Loot Chest, but I do so as the season progresses:


The batches ramp up in price pretty fast, so you can't buy a lot of them even if you earn a lot of Glint each season. I make around 500k Glint per season, which is not enough to buy every batch. Luckily, I had 1.5 million Glint stored and still have a lot of old soulbound reward cards to burn.


Card of the Day: Halfling Refugee 🛡️

The card I’ve chosen to feature in this post is, in my opinion, one of the best in the set:


Halfling Refugee has been a great card to play with so far. It's a 1-mana Epic Neutral Unit, which seems very strong for such a low mana cost. However, it’s important to note that it has one of the newest debilitations introduced in the Rebellion Reward Card set.


This debilitation doesn’t provide any beneficial effects to the card or our team. Instead, it adds a new mechanic that works as a debuff for our team. In this case, the debuff only affects Halfling Refugee, but in other cases in the Rebellion Reward Card set, the debuff can impact the entire team.

Here's how the card looks at different levels and how it gains stats and abilities:


As you can see, the card is insanely strong for a 1-mana unit. Getting 5 damage and 8 life for just 1 mana is incredibly powerful. The fact that it’s a neutral card means it can be used in most matches, so you’ll likely see this guy in play often.

I currently own the card at level 3 (as shown in the first image). Even at that level, it’s already very strong. A 1-mana card with Heal is really valuable, even if its attack is not maxed out.


I. The Fight! ⚔️

This time I chose a fight I had yesterday with my main @javiss.

Since I’ve been talking about Halfling Refugee for a while, I thought it would be fitting to also share a battle featuring this amazing new card.

The purpose of this post isn't to go into great detail about the fight but to showcase how strong this card can be in real combat. 💪

As you can see from the first image, both my opponent and I chose Halfling Refugee as our primary tank and Cursed windeku as an off tank sitting in second position unable to attack. Here’s why:

II. Rulesets of the Encounter: 🎯


17 Mana: 🔋

In this battle, the mana cap is set at 17. This means you can only use mostly low-mana units and summoners. The low mana cap is probably the biggest reason why both my opponent and I chose Halfling Refugee. Units that cost 0, 1, or 2 mana usually shine when the mana limit is this low, making this card the perfect choice.

Fire and Regret: 🏹


In this ruleset, all monsters have the Return Fire ability. This is a very annoying rule to deal with because it significantly limits your card pool. Generally, using ranged monsters isn't a great idea when this ruleset is active since they will take damage every time they attack.

Tis but Scratches: 🛡️

Every unit gains the Cripple ability in this battle. Cripple can be one of those rulesets you ignore until your team gets wrecked by it! 😅 However, in low-mana matches, Cripple isn’t always a huge factor. It’s usually more useful against big tanks with a lot of heals and cleanse. The cool thing about Cripple is that it can’t be dispelled, which is always important to keep in mind.

Silence Summoners: 🤫

In this ruleset, summoners don’t provide any buffs or debuffs to their team. This levels the playing field between summoners, so the best strategy is to pick the lowest-mana summoner available since they won’t impact the game much. Both my opponent and I went with Quix, as it's the lowest-mana dragon summoner.

Using dragon in low-mana matches is crucial because it gives you access to Vruz—time to see this little guy in action! 🐉


Time to see Halfling Refugee in action! ⚔️

halfling refugee fight.gif

As you can see at first glance, there’s a significant difference between my team and the enemy’s team. The biggest one is that my Halfling Refugee is at level 3, while the enemy's is only at level 2. As mentioned earlier in the stats breakdown, the key power spike for Halfling Refugee is at level 3, where the card gains the Heal ability. 🌟

Heal is probably what makes this card so strong. In fact, I didn’t even start using it until I had it at level 3. Before that, I found that other options like Chaos Agent were likely better choices.

It’s also worth noting that my opponent was quite unlucky this time. The first attack from their Halfling Refugee triggered Exhaust, making their card miss an attack on turn one. This debilitation is downside of Halfling Refugee— if you are unlucky the card will do nothinig and just stand there. That being said for a one mana card just standing there is not so terrible either. ⚡



Conclusion: 🏁

The release of the Rebellion reward card set has definitely shaken things up in the game. We've seen several powerful cards enter the arena over the past few days. Many of these are true meta changers, and the introduction of debilitations has been a fantastic addition to the overall gameplay making the game more interesting and complex. 🛡️

What's fascinating is that we haven't yet seen the full impact of these new cards. Since players are still in the early stages of collecting them, many cards remain underleveled, which means their true potential is yet to be unleashed.


For this post, I chose Halfling Refugee because, with its low mana cost, it's an ideal card to start using as soon as you obtain it. 🛡️✨

I hope you all enjoyed this post and found the content entertaining! Like me, I hope you're having fun discovering the potential of these new cards. I believe the release of this set has brought a refreshing wave of excitement to the game! 🌬️🔥


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