The Value of Scattershot!

Hello, follow Splinterlanders, today i want to talk about one of the new Abilities we received with the Chaos Legion update: Scattershot.
I already talked about this Ability a little when covering the new synergies with General Sloan and have found it to be a lot more useful than anticipated.
But first, the basics:
Scattershot is a new ability that makes the monster endowed with this ability attack a RANDOM monster the opponent has fielded. This is a huge wildcard as you get a chance to hit your opponent’s support monsters right off the bat and completely ruin their strategy, but also poses the risk of your monster attacking a rather useless or tanky part of their army.
It wasn’t until today, that I found out that this ability has another HUGE upside, which is that it bypasses the taunt ability completely, meaning you have a real shot of destroying the “Shieldbearer + Double Heal + Armor Smith” combo and equivalent setups that usually pose a grave danger.
This is huge and very healthy for the current Meta.
To show you how this card alone can help you win otherwise lost matchups have a look at the following two replays.

You can see that without this card, I had no chances of winning but just by using it, I wrecked their important backline monsters and managed to grab the win.
Sadly, there aren't that many new cards with the Scattershot ability, however, the Portal Spinner is available with the starter Cards so you can get a taste of the greatness of the Scattershot ability.
Thank you, guys, for checking out this brief Blogpost and keep up keeping up!

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