Playing Rebellion Card Brawls & Renting Rebellion Cards


This is just a simple story, of a simple Splinterlands player, who decided to jump into a Rebellion only Brawl Frey.

He doesn't have many Rebellion cards and rents a few.

The rental rates are affordable at the moment.

I grabbed a Summoner of each Splinter.


I grabbed a few random cards too.

Brawls gives you a chance to just, as we say in Australia, "Have a go!"

In the Brawl I entered, it ended up only being 2 matches.
Which I don't mind.

So, I think NOW is the best time to RENT any cards you need for a BRAWL run.
Also, you get to use the REBELLION cards in general battle too.


But at least I get to wrangle with a WILD @butops.
I guess we will apply the "Shirts Off" Battle Condition.


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