The Martyr Ability - Boosting Adjacent Cards

Today, I will be discussing the Martyr Ability.


The Martyr Ability is an ability that activates when the card is defeated. The cards adjacent to it (at its sides) receive a +1 boost to all their stats.


Each element except for death element has a card with the Martyr Ability, but the bad news is that those cards cannot be rented except for Vruz because they are soulbound cards. To obtain one, you need to play, win, and open a chest with a card that has this type of ability.


Source: Splintercards

These soulbound cards have different stats, some have attack, while others do not. Some have low health, while others have higher health.

As of now, I only have 3 cards with the Martyr Ability. My Noah Card doesn't have the Martyr Ability yet, it needs to be leveled up to level 6 to gain the Martyr Ability.




My favorite card with this ability is Venari Marksman because it is a neutral element and has the smallest health. Meaning you can use it no matter which element you are playing.

You might wonder why I prefer cards with low health. The reason is that the Martyr Ability can only be triggered when the bearer of the ability gets defeated. If it has a huge amount of life, it will take longer before it can boost the cards adjacent to it.

Don't get me wrong, I also like the other cards with the Martyr Ability that have high life. It's just that my strategy in using this ability is to boost my other cards.

The Life, Dragon and Water element cards with the Martyr Ability are also very useful even without their Martyr Ability.

Now, let's talk about where to position cards with the Martyr Ability. Most often, I see my opponents place them at the front of their tank so that they can immediately boost their tank, especially if they are using a low-health card with the Martyr Ability.

I also do this when my tank needs a boost, but more often, I position it in the middle of two cards that I want to boost.


This way, when it gets defeated, two cards will receive a boost, unlike when positioned at the front, where only the tank benefits.


You can also position it at the back if you are using Iziar, the Life Element card with the Martyr and Taunt Ability. However, Iziar's Martyr Ability only appears when it reaches level 3, and because it is a legendary card, you can only use it in the Gold League where you can use a higher summoner to summon it.

Vruz, the Dragon Element card with the Martyr Ability, is also good because it has a sneak ability. Still, like other cards with the Martyr Ability, the ability only activates on leveled-up cards.

I hope you found this post helpful. Follow me for more updates on how I play Splinterlands.

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