Splinterlands Brawl Report #3 - 01/05/2021 - Chimney Wallstop + Gladius Pack opening

Just like the usual, we're on novice A/B fray again. Thanks to PIZZA fam - @hivetrending and @kennysgaminglife for delegating almost all of the A/B cards which allowed me rent more legendary A/B. The post will contain two battles only since 2 of my opponents fled the battle.


Rule: Reverse Speed + Equal Opportunity
Mana: 30
Battle: Watch battle

It's time to shine for melee monsters during equal Opportunity Rule. for it I've chose Grumpy Dwarf for my first monster which can survive 2 physical damage because of the armor.
Also added Pit Ogre for the melee attack and 1speed + Stun. And of course our gladiator for the day CHIMNEY WALLSTOP one of my fav gladiator when it comes to reverse speed.

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For the first round, I made a right choice by putting Grumpy Dwarf at the front since his CHIMNEY WALLSTOP attacked it first. with that I was able to nullify 5 big dmg from him. While mine was able to one hit his monsters. The round ended with 4 monsters on my side while 3 on my opponent.

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For the 2nd round, the 2 CHIMNEY WALLSTOP we're basically one hitting the opponents and ended with 3 v 2 as seen in the image below.

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Let's skip the 3rd round since just destroying our Armors LOL. For the 5th round it was actually do or die, whoever attacked first will win the game, and I was the lucky one 😁

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Valnamor vs Malric Inferno

Rule: Keep your distance(No Melee) + Blast
Mana: 24
Battle: Watch Battle

Valnarmor for summoner with Peacful Giant for tank Combined with magic monsters. I think Peaceful Giant is the only decent tank for A/B for this ruleset.

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This match ended on the FIRST ROUND!!! without my team receiving any damage. After 2 attacks, his tank was down together with Enchanted Pixie due to blast

End Result

I went UNDEFEATED once again!!! with 2 fled 😎 Pizza 1 guild Rank #1 for this brawl which gave the team 1,938 merits which is has a 400 increase from my last brawl. This allows me to purchase one more Gladius pack.

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Gladius Pack

And this is what I got from the the Gladius pack. I can now level 2 my Chimney Wallstop. Also added Orlla Abadon to my deck which should be a good combo with Kobold miner in novice A/B battles.
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