From Zero to Diamond: Thanks NFTy Arcade!

Did you know that there's a more efficient way to earn in @splinterlands? Whether you are a Starter or OG, it will surely benefit you specially if you want to grind in higher league (Gold and up).

Last season I was lucky to experience it and I want it to share to the community.
This is NFTy Arcade!
I registered in NFTy arcade website (
I added one of my alt account as a borrower or what we call "renter". You need to give access to your active key as they will manage everything in the system. I trust them as they are one of the partners of splinterlands.

The good thing about their platform is that you can rent the complete set of cards for specific league. In my case I borrowed/rented @brownbagger's Gold I deck. His deck contains Level 5 Chaos Legion Rare Summoners and a Level3 Quix that comes with Chaos Legion Monsters maxed to the summoner's level.
I used my alt account with zero rating. Slow grinding (30 battles a day). It was really tough to get through in Bronze league than in Silver!

I stayed for a while in Gold III before finally get the comfort zone in Gold I. And there happens my luckiest day in Splinterlands history! I just pulled a Legendary Gold Foil, Venator Kinjo!

How do I get paid?
You will receive an email about the split on a daily basis. They are very transparent. See sample email below.

Snapshot in SPS history:

In the last stretch of the season I manage to achieve Diamon level with 112 Bronze season's chests. Thanks to additional power given by LGF! Now, I will get Diamond season's chest this new season!


Overall experience is pretty smooth. It is a breakthrough scholarship system in Splinterlands. All been done by the system. Throw away those excel sheets. :P

I would like to thank NFTy Arcade's Twitter page ( for assisting and answering my queries about their system! Amazing support you got there man!

Now I'm looking forward to get a diamond deck, Let's see how many Diamond Season Chest I will get.

Oh before I forget, the everybody's question is, what's inside the 112 Bronze chests??
There you go!

And here's my season summary for using NFTy Arcade:

I received $21 split which includes the Gold Foil Venator Kinjo.

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