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Splinterlands fun giveaway #2 - Get a card and free upvotes


The winner of the last giveaway has got a card worth over $3 and I think that was amazing. I had a lot of fun reading the comments and I hope others had too.

So let's do another one until I run out of cards! I don't play the game anyways and this is more fun than just selling or renting them!

So let's refresh how it works: You can choose the card you want from my collection, if you win I will send it to you the next day.

You can see my collection at:

The rules are simple!

To participate:

  • Upvote this post (any amount from +1% to +100%)
  • Reblog this post
  • Only one participating comment per user
  • Comment in this post which card from my collection you want, put the exact name and the ID from my collection, for example: "Angelic Mandarin
    C7-386-DATHWUJIQO" (If you can paste a screenshot it is better)
  • In your comment mention what is your Splinterlands username. I know it is 99% likely that it is the same as your Hive username, but I need to make sure to avoid headaches.

To not participate:

  • If you want to comment without participating, please, use a text tag like "#off". There are examples on the last giveaway post about me and others commenting in #off

Don't be disqualified! Make sure to upvote, reblog and comment your splinterlands username and the card you want with its ID! You can see the ID from my collection, linked above. In the last one people were disqualified for missing out on some steps and that made me a bit sad because they did not get the cards nor the rewards.

How the winner is chosen:

  • The player who has fewer rewards (upvotes) in the comments wins
  • If two people have the same rewards, whoever commented first wins

When is the winner chosen:

  • I am trying to get rid of the cards in a fun way, so I will choose the winner the next day around the same time this post was made. I can't guarantee an exact time, but I will try to do it the same time every day. I am doing this on my free time and it takes a little bit of time and effort so let's be flexible with timing.

Improve your chances of winning!

Come back a few times until tomorrow and upvote other comments, so that you have more chances of winning by actively disqualifying others!

See the last giveaway winner to understand how it works:


So basically to win you need to have the least rewards possible on your comment, and to comment before anyone else.

Good luck! You will either win a card or comment rewards, or both!

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