Reminders to myself for next EOS

Dear future self, since your memory is awful and you will forget all about what happened this EOS in 14 days I have taken the liberty of writing this post for you to look back at before the next EOS:

1. Reward Card prices dip at EOS so make sure to have a bid in so you can level up your Venari Crystalsmith and Bonesmith

2. Make sure to have ECR filled up before EOS to get those extra juicy DEC drops with a full pool.

3. Don't try to rent up to gold, it's stressful and you made way more this week renting out your extra CP and just getting Silver 3 rewards, use that extra DEC to purchase Oshannus at a discount 😀

4. With all this action going on don't forget to do your weekly contribution to the Guild, and enter a fray for your brawl

P.S. You will be in gold soon,


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