Brawl it out: CL only, silver league, 21th March 2022, Game two

Brawl it out: CL only, silver league, 21th March 2022, Game one

Summoners: Kelya Frendul vs. Thaddius Brood
Available Splinters: Water, Life, Death, Dragon
Ruleset: Super Sneak, Broken Arrows

As in my first game, I expected to play against melee for another time, because Super Sneak ruleset of course favors melees. So I decided, to counter with a hopefully better melee setup and everything worked fine. Legionnaire Alvar works fine in Super Sneak with his high armor, especially if you can resurrect him with River Hellondale, who was the secret MVP in this match. I would consider Water as the strongest and most well balanced of the available splinters in Chaos Legion only silver league.

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