Liquidity pools for getting those SPS to count for SPS airdrops. (for @pyrose91)

@Pyrose91 asked what's a liquidity pool and does it let me double my SPS airdrop points.

The answer. Yes. It does let you turn your SPS into a token that gets airdrop points. Sort of.

This is how it works.

First: You will need equal amounts of DEC and SPS

Now it may not be 50:50 but that's ok for now. Take a look at these holdings.


You'll notice a few things:

  1. I am getting 3,295 airdrop points from DEC Liquidity pools (which I'm showing how to use)
  2. I have 418 DEC sitting there getting 418 airdrop points
  3. I have 860.514 SPS staked getting my 38.49% and
  4. I have 1.538 SPS

Now I could just stake those 1.538 SPS and be done with it OR I can transfer them out to the hive-engine. It's easy just click transfer (the big blue button)

and fill out the transfer details then click transfer out.

then quickly head over to and check the DEC and SPS are there.


And yes there are both sitting there. (NOTE: I moved the DEC over earlier but its really easy to send DEC to the hive engine).

Now. Time to head over to the Tribaldex diesel pool :


click on pools


Click on 'Add Liquidity'

Choose the "DEC:SPS" pool


and enter the amount of DEC:SPS to pair up. This part MUST be 50:50. I may have 418 DEC but my SPS is only worth 279 DEC so that's the maximum I can enter into the pool.


Now your done. However, if you want you can click on 'Your Positions' to make sure they are sitting there for you.


If you ever want your SPS and DEC back just click on 'Remove Liquidity' and your coins go back to your hive-engine wallet.


Now a few words. The SPS doesn't actually count for the SPS airdrop but the DEC in the liquidity pool counts twice so its sort of like both the SPS and DEC counting once each.

Also this is a liquidity pool and the amounts of SPS and DEC in the pool will NOT BE FIXED. You are acting as a market player. If someone wants to buy DEC your position sells the DEC and gets SPS. If someone wants to buy SPS the pool sells your SPS and gets DEC. It's automated so you don't see it but just know if you come back and see your DEC amount has decreased you will also notice your SPS amount increase and vice versa.

Hope that isn't too confusing.

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