🔥🔥Rules are The Major Determinant in Battles🔥🔥

Hello friends and splinterlands lovers, how are you today?
Fire and Water Summoners are incredible in battles: One of the reasons that makes one to be more useful than the other is the rules that come with a battle. The rules are a major determinant.
đź“Ťđź“ŤWhy Do I Say Rules are the Major Determinant? đź“Ťđź“Ť
Rules are the major determinant for the following Reasons:
There are rules that require only magic monsters: There was a day I was playing a battle, and I was paired with a player of level one summoner. though, my opponent did not use a water summoner; he used Obsidian, which is an Earth summoner. I discovered the major reason I used Obsidian was the magic attack abilities of monsters. The battle I was paired up with my opponent required magic monsters of which I did not use; that was how he drafted me.

On this fateful day, there was a player that was paired up with me. after the selection of monsters to use in that particular battle; when I saw that my opponent used level 8 summoners and none of his monsters that were below level 7. Fear came upon me, for I knew that I could never win the battle with level 8 summoner. The reason was that I was using a level 4 summoner against him.
There were so many abilities in my opponent’s monsters to the extent that the melee of my monsters was reduced to 1. Thank God I only used one melee monster which was The Kraken.
The only mistake he made was using 5 melee monsters in the battle. With protect ability in my lineup, while he used melee monsters, I knew that it would be tough for him to defeat me.

The Rules have a lot to say about a battle: just like one day I was playing a battle and back to basic rule was among the battle’s rules. My opponent used more ranged monsters than any other attacking monsters, while I used magic attacks. By the time his range monsters led the attack, they could not attack while all my monsters attacked in any position. Therefore, it is good to pay attention to the rules of the game.

The rules say many things about Splinterlands battles: There are battles that the moment a player did not use the right monsters, such a player may not win the battle.

Position of monsters matters: Positions of monsters matter a lot while playing splinterlands. If a player understands the rules and uses monsters in wrong positions, such a player may end up winning nothing in the game. For instance, there was a day I used Venari Wavesmith in the second position, and Captain Ghost in the third position. Because of this mistake, I lost the battle. If I had put Captain Ghost in the second position instead of third position, I would have won the battle; that is the reason it is important to use suitable monsters in the best positions.
The position of monsters also matters; for instance, using a ranged monster in the first position when close range is not included in the rule may not be necessary. Though, there is a rule of which only ranged monsters can be used; When I was given the rule, I was paired up with a tough player that used a ranged monster with healing ability.

The stats of cards can determine your victory: This is the reason players are always upgrading their cards (monsters and summoners). The more you upgrade your cards the more you increase in level. The first time I started, I was in a novice level, and all my monsters and summoners were less than level 2. All my collection power was less than 50,000.
As I began to upgrade, my cards (monsters and Summoner) began to increase in level. That was how I grew, and I'm still growing it.
So, the card's level determines where you can reach during the season. If a player has max cards, it is very sure that such a player will reach champion before the end of the season.

âś…âś…Hamster News!âś…âś…
Before HMSTR was listed, many people that participated in the airdrop were very happy. This was because they believed it would be like $DOG airdrop. After it was listed in different crypto exchanges and the value was released, the participants were disappointed. Though, I heard a rumor that it would be listed at $0.01 but I thought it was a joke. though one of the analysts who I predicted said something like that two weeks before it was listed.
After 24 hours, many people unfollowed themselves from the Hamster combat social media platform: they believe the airdrop isn't worth it.

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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands

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