Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Drybone Raider Raids Out The Enemy Team


Hello Splinterlands Community! For this week I will share an interesting modern ranked battle I had where my Drybone Raide took advantage of the ruleset present in that match and dominated the battlefield by destroying every enemy monster in its path. It was an exciting battle where my Drybone Raide managed to deal significant damage to the enemy team. Despite the enemy deploying more monsters, my team was able to secure the victory. The synergy between my units deployed in this match was on full display making this match favorable to me and allows me to secure the victory.

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My Battle


This is the modern ranked battle I want to share with everyone where my Drybone Raider alongside with the Life and Neutral monsters I had were able to take down the enemy team. If you're interested on the action and outcome of this modern ranked battle, you can watch the whole match by clicking the battle link below.

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The Ruleset

Melee Mayhem


There is only a single ruleset present in this match which is Melee Mayhem. This ruleset gives every monster in the battlefield the capability to deal damage regardless of its position in the battlefield. This ruleset favors very well for melee damage monsters as it allows them to be able to deal damage even if there are not in the first position. It is also the reason why I deploy my Drybone Raider in this modern ranked battle as this ruleset would utilize the combine melee and ranged damage dealt by Drybone Raider plus the double strike ability it has where it could bring destruction.

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My Lineup

Summoner: Franz Ruffmane


I used my upgraded Franz Ruffmane as my summoner for this battle. It is a light summoner that grants bonus armor to all my units at the beginning of the match. This summoner also allows me to use one Gladius unit in this match, which is very useful as it gives me the ability to deploy a powerful unit on the battlefield. For this modern ranked battle, I decided to stick with Drybone Raider, as I believed it would benefit greatly from the Melee Mayhem ruleset that is present for this battle.

Monster 1 : Imperial Knight


I placed my gold foil Imperial Knight at the first position for my team. It deals melee damage to the enemies and this unit has an ability which is the Void Armor ability. This ability increases the durability of this unit against magic damage monsters as this ability would allow the armor of this unit to take the magic damage coming from the enemy team first making the magic damage not directly affecting the health of this unit. The ability would make all incoming damage from melee, ranged or magic damage monsters to deal the armor first of this unit making it a great choice to become the frontline for the team

Monster 2 : Vulguine


I also used my gold foil Vulguine as a secondary frontline for this modern ranked battle. It deals melee damage to the enemy team and has the Scavenger ability. This ability grants the unit bonus health every time a unit dies on the battlefield, whether from my team or the enemy team. This ability is very useful for Vulguine, as it initially has a low amount of health and as the match progresses Vulguine becomes a durable unit with the help of its Scavenger ability.

Monster 3 : Disintegrator


I also used my Disintegrator in this battle. It deals melee damage to the enemy team, just like Imperial Knight and Vulguine. Additionally, this unit has the Demoralize ability, which reduces the melee damage of all enemy monsters by 1 at the beginning of the battle. This makes the enemy's melee damage monsters less effective in this ranked battle. I decided to deploy Disintegrator because I strongly believed that the enemy team would deploy powerful melee damage monsters given that the Melee Mayhem ruleset is present in this match.

Monster 4 : Drybone Raider


Lastly I used Drybone Raider as my main source of damage in this battle and placed it in the last position on my team. This unit deals both ranged and melee damage at the same time and this unit has the Double Strike ability. This ability brings chaos to the enemy team as this unit already deals both ranged and melee damage to the target enemy unit and the double strike ability allows this monster to strike the ranged and melee damage twice to the target enemy unit. With the Melee Mayhem present in this battle this unit can bring havoc to the enemy team without the need of placing this unit in the first position of the team.

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My Battle Analysis



The first round already had a lot of action, as my team managed to take down the enemy team's monsters, Cursed Windeku and Carrion Shade. The Demoralize ability from my Disintegrator was a huge help this round, as it reduced the melee damage that Cursed Windeku and Silent Sha-vi could inflict on my team. The armor buff from my summoner was also very useful, as it increased the durability of all my units, which was utilized effectively in this round. Overall, this round was favorable to me, as I did not lose any units while the enemy team did.



During the second round, my team was able to take down the enemy team's Life Sapper and Silent Sha-vi however, my Imperial Knight was also taken down by the enemy team in this round as well. The Imperial Knight did a great job not only absorbing all the incoming damage from the enemy team but also dealing melee damage to them. The Scavenger ability of my Vulguine was also helpful in this match, as it gained some health over time. By the end of the round, Vulguine was now in the first position on my team and had a decent amount of health heading into the final round.



During the third and final round, my team was able to take down the enemy team's remaining units, Soul Strangler and Dhampir Stalker. The enemy team had only ranged monsters available in this round, which gave my team a huge advantage. The substantial damage from Drybone Raider delivered the finishing blow for this ranked battle, as it dealt the final strike to Dhampir Stalker and secured the victory for the team. The Melee Mayhem ruleset was utilized very well by my team, as all of my units dealt melee damage. Being able to deal melee damage without placing units in the first position was the key factor that secured my victory in this modern ranked battle. Overall, the Drybone Raider was able to raid out the enemy team thanks to its Double Strike ability that was greatly enhanced by the Melee Mayhem ruleset present in this match.

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Thank you so much for reading this post, If you haven't tried playing Splinterlands, I'll suggest to start playing it right now and it would be very awesome if you use my referral link below.

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