Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Coastal Sentry Dominates the Battlefield


Hello Splinterlands Community! For the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge this week, I will share an amazing modern ranked battle that I had last time wherein my Coastal Sentry was able to dominate the battlefield as taht unit starts to takeover the match when it was placed in the first position of the team. It was an action packed match as both team have all melee monsters for this match which provides a good showdown between the units each round. The careful team planning that I had for this match was very important as I was able to build a team composition that works very well for this specific modern ranked battle.

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My Battle


This is the modern ranked battle that I want to share wherein my Coastal Sentry was able to carry the team towards the victory as the ruleset in this match favors my team. The action in this match is very exciting as it is a close fight and my Coastal Sentry was able to dominate the battlefield which secures the win for the team. If you're interested on all of the action and excitement that occur in this match and check out on how Coastal Sentry dominated the battlefield, you can watch the exciting match by clicking the battle link below.

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The Ruleset

Melee Mayhem


The ruleset that is present for this match which is Melee Mayhem. This ruleset allows every melee monsters in the battlefield to be able to deal damage every round regardless of their position in the team. This ruleset favors my team as my team composition has two melee monsters and it also works very well with the Double Strike ability of Coastal Sentry as it allows this unit to strike damage twice to the enemy team even if it is not placed in the first position of the team.

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My Lineup

Summoner: Kelya Frendul


I have selected Kelya Frendul as my summoner in this modern ranked battle. It is a water summoner that provides additional shield and speed to the whole team at the beginning of the match. The shield buff from this summoner grants additional durability to all my units since the enemy team is composed of melee damage monsters. The speed buff is also useful as it allows my units to deal damage earlier in the round which could be a game changer in the match.

Monster 1 : Venari Marksrat


I have placed my Venari Marksrat in the first position on my team for this battle. It deals ranged damage to the enemy team and it has a low amount of health. This unit has the Martyr ability which grants overall buffs to the unit that is adjacent to this unit in a situation that this unit has been taken down. This is the particular reason that I have placed this unit in the first position as the buff coming from the Martyr ability would be very beneficial to my Coastal Sentry as that unit would be the main carry for the team.

Monster 2 : Coastal Sentry


I have also used my Coastal Sentry in this battle and placed it in the second position of the team. It has a great amount of melee damage and a good amount of health. This unit has the double strike ability which allows this unit to strike twice each round. The effects of the Melee Mayhem ruleset is very beneficial to Coastal Sentry as it allows this unit to deal damage each round even if it is not placed in the position. I have also placed it behind Venari Marksrat as I make Coastal Sentry the main beneficiary of the effects of the Martyr ability coming from the Venari Marksrat.

Monster 3 : Torrent Fiend


Lastly I have also used my Torrent Fiend and placed it in the last position of the team. It is a melee damage unit that has a low amount of health. This unit does not cost any mana in order to be deployed in this match which gives me the opportunity to utilize this monster. Since this match has a very limited mana pool and my Coastal Sentry costs a lot of mana to be deployed in this match, there is a a lot of space available in the team which allows my Torrent Fiend to take one of those spots and join the team in this modern ranked battle.

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My Battle Analysis



The first round was a huge victory for me as my team was able to take down the enemy's Xenith Monk. It was my Coastal Sentry that was able to deal the finishing blow to the Xenith Monk. It is crucial that unit was taken down as it has the heal ability which should allows that unit to restore health each round. The shield buff coming from my summoner was utilize very well in this round as it allows my Venari Marksrat and Torrent Fiend to survive the initial damage coming from the enemy team during this round.



During the second round, my team was able to take down the enemy team's Kra'ar Xoc which brings down the enemy team to just two units remaining which is same to my team. This happens as my Venari Marksrat was also defeated in this round which triggers the Martyr ability and it further enhances the overwhelming power of my Coastal Sentry that allows that unit to take down the Kra'ar Xoc and also was able to deal damage to Fina Voxom with the help of its double strike ability.



During the third and final round, my team was able to take down all the remaining units on the team which are Fina Voxom and Radiated Scorcher. The enemy team's Fina Voxom was able to deal massive melee damage first to my team as that unit has higher speed compared to my Coastal Sentry. My Coastal Sentry has enough damage to take down not only Fina Voxom but also Radiated Scorcher at the same time in this round. This is because of the Double Strike ability which proves to be very effective and efficient that secures me the victory in this modern ranked battle.

The Double Strike ablity from my Coastal Sentry was complimented very well with the Melee Mayhem ruleset that is present in this match as it allows my Coastal Sentry to strike twice each round without being placed in the first position of the team. In this modern ranked battle that I have shared, my Coastal Sentry was able to single-handedly eradicate the entire enemy team with its massive melee damage and even though the enemy team was able to deal a significant amount of damage to this unit, it was not enough to take it down and it is my Coastal Sentry that stands tall among the units that is present in the battlefield. It also just shows that Coastal Sentry is a very powerful unit that can be utilized very well if the perfect condition is present in the match.

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Thank you so much for reading my post, If you haven't tried playing Splinterlands, I'll suggest to start playing this awesome game right now and it would be really great and appreciate if you can start playing the game by using my referral link below.

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