Part 23...If I were a new player, would I be able to play this game? Dust to Diamond!

Part 23...If I were a new player, would I be able to play this game? Dust to Diamond!

This is the second season that the rewards totally suck. Mainly due in part to the stupid merit rewards that are worked in now. Freakin sucks to high heaven. I didn't even get enough in rewards for 1 sps. Making it extremely difficult to continue this challenge of no outside help or fiat money involved.
image.pngEOS Reward

So disgusted with the continual changes the devs make and they're essentially hurting anyone that's trying to make it. i.e. new guys. 28 chests and mostly junk. 2 weeks of work and this is the pitiful total reward. and to top that off I can't even get the sps reward for a week. Thanks alot SL devs.

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