Calculation of ranged monsters power (Range, Neutral and Rarety correction.)

Last post i tried to calculate power value of simple melee monsters without abilities.
Now i created the same table for ranged units:

NameManaHealthArmorAttackSpeedMonster power
Naga assassin220156
Xenith archer220115,4
Goblin dartling220125,4
Hoblin fireballer220114,9
Igor darkspear240136,9
Soul Strangler320226,5
Haunted spider320216,5
Angelig mandarin350127,5
Highlander archer320115,5
Dark ferryman350128
Goblin chef330115,5
Earth elemental360118
Kulu swimhunter440228,6
Scavo firebolt440228,1
Dark astronomer440217,6
peace bringer440239,1
Fire demon450239,1
Barking spider450127,6
Giant squid541219,2
Goblin shariot530238,2
Air elemental5502610,2
Supply runner640239,3
Ettin sprearman8803112

When i calculated the monster power like previous post i noticed that there were 3 distinct groups:
Ranged unit groups

Melee monsters without abilities are almost all common, for ranged monsters there are quite some rare and epic monsters. Rare cards have around +0.5 health and epic monsters have +1 health. They are simply better.
To see if monsters have an exceptional power, we have to correct for this. But please keep in mind Rare and Epic monsters are simply better!

The Neutral monsters have lower stats relative to splinter monsters, this is about 1 health less. Since neutral monsters add flexibility we will correct the power +1.

Now what is ranged "worth" for the monster power compared to melee ? It's a bit comparing apples and oranges but taken the average monster power, it seems worth 2 health.
This is very situational but fair. most ranged units do have 2 less health than the comparable melee counterparts.

The rules to calculate monster power so far:

  • 1 health is 1 monster power.
  • 1 armor is 2 monster power any additional armor is worth 0.5 monster power.
  • 1 Speed is 0.5 monster power.
  • 1 attack is 0 monster power,
  • 2 attack is 2 monster power,
  • 3 attack is 3.5 monster power any additional attack is worth 0.5 monster power.
  • Ranged units are worth 2 additional monster power.
  • Rare monsters are worth 0.5 and Epic monsters 1 more monster power.
  • Neutral monsters adds 1 monster power for flexibility.
  • 1 mana cost is roughly 1.4 monster power

That's better!

That's better!

Cards to mention:
Air elemental is a powerful monster for the mana cost it has a -1 modifier for being a epic card and this is still above the curve! Sooo quick, decent health and 2 attack. It's also the light splinter with the +1 range summoner!
Highland archer another neural monster that is on of the worst power for the mana. Any colored card is better than this one. Even if it cost -1 mana it is worse than Goblin dartling.

So i think this is a decent approach to evaluate ranged monsters (lvl 1 without abilities.).
if you have ideas, please let me know.

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