BEGINNER'S GUIDE: From 0 - 400 Rating for Free!

For any new player, rising from a 0 to 400 rating is undoubtedly tedious, especially for those who cannot afford to buy cards from the Marketplace.
This Death Splinter Deck, comprised of only Starter Cards, helped me reach Bronze II in a few games, whilst achieving a 5-game win streak, in some tough games.


This deck is highly recommended to any new player, who does not want to spend any DEC or cryptocurrency at the start of the game on buying cards.
In the early game, it is very tempting to 'splash the cash' on packs or the marketplace, giving some new players an instant advantage, but many of us cannot do this.

Therefore, using this deck frequently will allow any player to win enough games to receive a more significant DEC earning rate. This can then be used to buy your own cards with no more capital invested, whilst also learning more about the game, making your purchase more valuable.

Summoner and Tank:


In the Bronze Leagues, the most common splinter is Fire - a widespread choice is using Malric Inferno to +1 Melee Attack. Using Living Lava as a tank to absorb attacks with Shield , and multiple increased damage Sneak card as supports, these decks can be very frustrating to a new player.

This deck is the answer.

The summoner, Zintar Mortalis, causes -1 Melee, neutralising Malric's ability, or other decks that rely on high damage Melee attacks.
As the opponents card now need to land more hits to beat your deck, Zintar maximises your time to deal damage to the enemies first, and reduce any damage taken from Ranged and Sneak cards.

The most underrated starter Tank in Bronze Leagues is the Haunted Spirit. Boasting a high health of 7 and, costing a cheap 5 Mana, allows it to be used in both high and low Mana games. Personally, I believe it is a must-have in any Death deck.

It's greatest strength lies is the Heal Ability - the BEST ability in Bronze League. The weakened opponent cards deal a small amount of damage to it, allowing it to survive a round with more than half it's Health remaining. This is healed at the start of the round, resulting in this Tank remaining in the game until the end.



After losing dozens games grinding to get into Bronze II, I found one card that completely switched up my gameplay and win rate - the Undead Priest.

Surprisingly rarely used in this League, the Undead Priest lowers the Health of every enemy at card by 1 at the start of the game.

This is invaluable - in lower Mana games, most backline cards have a Health of 2 or 3, whilst Tanks are instantly less threatening in any game. Even better, this card only costs 2 Mana, and has 3 Health, so it can withstand Ranged attacks in an emergency!

Combined with -1 Melee from your Summoner, enemy support cards are usually one hit kills from your Ranged ( Twisted Jester and Dark Astronomer ) and Sneak ( Skeleton Assassin ) cards. Enemy lowered attacks means that, even if your cards are hit first, they are very likely to survive and once they counter, they easily overcome any attacking card.

Meanwhile, the Haunted Tank works well by repeatedly healing damage to itself, so the opposition's support will focus on it instead, allowing your cards to attack unharmed.

Final thoughts:

In my next post, I will demonstrate with my data how I started the game with no money and reinvested to earn enough ratings and DEC to become a higher level player.
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