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Shortly after the ranked rewards update was announced on September 28th I shared an expectation of making 100+ DEC/win in diamond & champ league, but I wasn't sure it would happen this fast. Sure enough, we're back to the glory days!


After testing so many games I've lost count, I can attest no devs from any of them could compare to the awesome work that the Splinterlands team has put in (except for the game of life of course; The Architect of this game is Infinitely Wise and worthy of praise).

So let's take a look at earnings/win from a diamond account with about 80% ECR:


You might be saying, so what? 2,000 DEC/day at 125 DEC/win is just 16 wins per day, but I have a plot twist for you. I actually earned 2k DEC on my ALT account in one day by grinding from bronze III to diamond III.


Win streaking 39 games from Bronze to Gold actually was the craziest thing, and I gotta say kudos to the creators of Yodin and Llama. They make it easy for those who have power to raise through the ranks. By the time my winstreak was finally burned, I was making around 30 DEC/win. Altogether it took 91 wins to earn exactly 2,287.01 DEC, which is $22.09 at current market value. At two minutes per game, it took 3 hours and 2 minutes leading to a whopping $7.36/hour, not including the time it took for finding matches. I used around 1.3 million collection power, so understandably, this isn't something that everyone will be able to do, but it was a fun exercise to push my limits. In many games, streamers will play a "bronze to diamond" challenge with alt accounts, and I couldn't resist attempting it for myself on this awesome play-to-earn platform, Splinterlands.

Checkout what the top players are earning!



What I love about Splinterlands is that the assets are YOURS. You can manage your property how you see fit. I was able to delegate the cards to my alt account, use them for a day, let them go on a 24 hour cooldown, and then undelegate them in time to catch my next daily quest without missing a beat. Maybe I can end up with two accounts in champion this season?

What are your thoughts on ranked rewards?

Blessings, fam!

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