Talked-About New Focus Missions Could Have More Complex Ramifications Than We Anticipate

We are now getting close to the half of the second season since the ranked rewards were revamped.

From what Matt and other team members have said during the past two town halls, we are looking at two almost certain changes regarding the new system:

  • the starting league or the type of chests you play for during the season to match this evolution
  • the focus missions

We don't know what solution will be implemented in either case, but I want to talk more about the focus missions.

During or at the end of last season, those who kept tracking realized one can earn more chests on the focus missions than on the season rewards.

The main reason for that is they reset every day, unlike the season rewards points, which keep getting harder and harder to get.

So, nowadays, you can rarely see anyone playing something else except the focus missions. That seems a no-brainer. Win and get points for 2 chests instead of one.

That would be true, except... how is your win rate lately? I must say that mine dropped significantly since the beginning of the season playing like that. And I started to win the majority of my games when I began to play varying my splinters today.

I still haven't got my newest favorite splinter as a focus mission, that's true, or I would have probably won a lot during those 24h using just that splinter.

So, personally, I am glad the focus missions will get a revamp.

But, and there's a BIG but, if the new focus missions won't be based on splinters, which I really loved at first impression, there is something else to take into consideration.

As the pre-battle info screen is designed right now in-game,


you can learn a lot about the opponent's splinter battle history, and, if you go deep and you really know the game, you can have some tips about what teams he plays often.

But that's a lot to process in a few seconds before you click Create Team.

The focus of this screen is on the history of splinters the opponent played, and not on other details.

If the focus missions change radically, let's say, to the use of a certain ability, this screen is not very helpful.

For someone who only uses the game interface, that will be a pretty significant loss, even compared to the situation today.

That's because they would have more difficulties identifying the type of team the opponent will play at a quick glance. Normally, I'd love this uncertainty! But if that would be for everyone.

And today there are interfaces giving you analysis of your opponent's play history, and your chances to beat him with your selected team, in real-time, after the match started.

If the opponent will know your focus mission in the future and you can't identify his easily without using 3rd party apps, that may not be so great.

So, the question is, should the in-game interface provide such information for everyone, in light of the expected changes to focus missions, or do we need to use paid 3rd party apps going forward to stay competitive?

This may have already been taken into consideration by the team. I hope they did, and if not, I hope they do now.

Out of curiosity, how have you been doing this season with the focus missions? Was it just me that did worse than the season before so far?

Posted using Splintertalk

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