Have you seen the sneak peak? Chaos Legion cards are amazing!

Today I wanted to write something about Splinterlands. Nothing major, just that I finally maxed all the CL reward cards, except two: Venari Heatsmith and Venari Wavesmith. Just kidding about the "nothing major" part, I'm super excited about it. :)

While I'll still work to max Venari Wavesmith because of the +1 to magic attack, if I find them at good prices, I won't make a purpose from maxing the Heatsmith one from Fire, unless I get close from rewards I receive.

In the past I never focused on maxing reward cards, since they could be won by playing the game... That turned out to be a mistake, paying a lot more for better versions of them later on, if I needed them, when they got out of print. Or paying the price of not playing with a card that is enough leveled up, while your opponnent does. So I didn't make the same mistake this time.

While this may be overdoing it, I got this objective out of the way early on, and the reward cards that I'll keep receiving I'll use to rent out (or rather upgrade to certain levels many of them and then rent out) or sell later down the road.

But as I was heading to Splintertalk to write this post, that's what was featured on the main page:

Image from the linked post below

Have you seen that yet?

Oh my, how amazing the Chaos Legion cards are! Both design and stats.

If I didn't know beta cards will be very valuable for land (and possibly for ranked battles bonus soon), I'd be tempted to sell some of them.

What it is clear is that I'll buy more packs... I already got ready by buying a ton of alchemy potions. I'll buy the other ton of legendary potions tonight. Yeah, I know, few buy them, instead preferring to win them as rewards, but the process is way too slow, waiting with the packs unopened until you have the potions. In the meantime I feel I would lose contact with the top leagues in the game. It's already getting harder... Imagine how it will be when all those millions pour into packs when general sale opens up.

My advantage is that I practically reinvest in Splinterlands. And sometimes take something out. Which makes it easier than an investment from scratch.

By the way, while it's a lot more complicated and long term to grow an account without an outside investment other than the spellbook than it was in the early days, it's still possible. I've tested it and continue to do so. Can't be done without renting some cards in my opinion though, unless you enjoy being at the bottom all the time and not progressing. But that's for another post. Or rather for my gaming test account, @gaming-for-fun.

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