Details About the Switch from Chaos Legion to Rebellion Soulbound Reward Cards Set

We have the details for the switch from the Chaos Legion Reward Cards Set to the Rebellion one. Strange to be talking about something linked to the Chaos Legion set as about to end when Chaos Legion is close to being rotated out of Modern. But things... haven't been on schedule for a good while, whatever schedule means in Web 3 development.

There were some major surprises on the announcement regarding the new abilities and... debilitations that will be introduced with the new soulbound set.

Corrupted Healing is both good and bad. If the fight ends in a few rounds its healing of up to 1/3 of max health to all allies is a major boost. But if the battle lengthen, the -1 to max health at every healing will bring down your team faster than your opponent.

Then the debilitations... These appear like major debuffs on your team, so these reward cards must have some great stats/abilities if someone were to use them. I don't know if they work sort of like negative abilities on your team and they are associated with certain cards, or if there is a chance any Rebellion soulbound reward card gets debilitated. If it's the former, then you can know from the start if it's worth using the card or not. If it's set-related, than it's based on luck for the entire set and it's a matter of using or not Rebellion soulbound reward cards. At least that's how I see it without know more details.

We already kind of knew after something mentioned in discord that the new set comes in from next season. What wasn't very clear was that they wouldn't come from the following Tuesday's maintenance window, but exactly on Thursday at season end, which means we won't have any more restocking of the current set in the Glint Shop before the new set comes in. If you want to buy anything else from the current set with Glint, this is the time, before the season ends.

Personally, I'll stop here and wait for the next set, even if I have 2 legendaries that aren't maxed out. At 56k Glint each pull, it's not worth it for me.

We already knew how much it would cost to unbind cards (10x their CP, at first). But to see it in writing seems... too much.

I have 1.4m DEC staked on land (and still way below my necessities)... To require 500k DEC to unbind one GFL practically automatically puts me in the category of those not interested. Looks like I'll have lots of maxed out soulbound cards.

There is something kind of ok in the way things are done about this part. When combining a soulbound card with an unbound card, the new one will be soulbound. That obviously nobody likes. But if you want to unbind the newly combined soulbound card, you only have to pay the unbinding fee for the part that was initially soulbound.

Who knows, if they won't be terribly expensive (although I doubt it), I might even buy the missing BCX for my 2 un-maxed legendaries from the market... Low chances, but we'll see...

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