Buying Into Rarity Draws After End of Season and Maintenance

We've recently had the end of season at Splinterlands for Ranked Battles. I've heard different types of opinions regarding the new Glint Shop. Personally, I like it, because it allows better planning and focusing on different strategies which rely less on the element of luck (although they will add jackpot options in the store which will be luck-based).

For example, I focus entirely on maxing out my regular soulbound reward card set at this time. Others buy extra energy to play more (and earn more rewards in the process). Some may want the limited edition titles. And some may already save up for the next set. That without counting potential purchases of potions or merits, which are less likely at this time.

At the beginning of the season I didn't buy into the existing random draws, as I did before, knowing that rarity draws are on their ways. I wasn't sure if they were going live during this maintenance window from yesterday, but it was likely, since they were added on the Mavericks test server a few days back.

Yesterday, after the maintenance, I noticed them, but didn't have the energy to focus and see what would have been the best way to proceed, given the amount of Glint I had (around 280k), and the comparative prices.

So, today was the time to do it.

First thing that was important to know, given my needs oriented primarily to legendary and epic rarity cards, was how do the the Rarity Draws compare with the Master Draw in terms of prices and chances of receiving epics and legendaries.

Obviously, the chance of receiving epics and legendaries for the Rarity Draws is 100%. But something I didn't know until I tested it is that you don't have chances for multiples. You will see, even without them, the prices are better, if that's what you want.

The legendary chance (with a potion) for the Master Draw is 6.4%. And at best, I've seen receiving a 2x multiple (meaning two legendary cards instead of 1).

Let's see what that means: 100 / 6.4 = 15.8125 times "more chances" to have a legendary in the Legendary Draw.

Multiply the Master Draw price by that and divide by 2 (for the chance of receiving 2 Legendaries for the price of 1) and you get: 5000 * 15.8125 / 2 = 39,062.5. That makes even batch 2 of the Legendary Draw (37,500) better than the Master Draw for the chance of receiving Legendary soulbound reward cards. And I haven't counted the cost of the legendary potion.

The chance of receiving an epic card on the Master Draw is 8% (no modifiers exist). Let's say the multiple goes up to 4x.

We have 100 / 8 = 12.5 times "better chances" to find epics in the Epic Draw.

2500 * 12.5 / 4 = 7812.5 is what the maximum price of the Epic Draw to have the same chances of receiving epics as in the Master Draw. I don't know what the price for the second batch of the Epic Draw is yet, but at 5000 for batch 1 is more than worth it.

So, knowing this information and with the amount of Glint at my disposal and what I unlocked from burning some of the cards, what did I do?

I purchased 10 Legendary Draws, 15 Epic Draws and 30 Rare Draws. That's the only rarities I still need to max out.

I can still purchase 10 Epic Draws and 70 Rare Draws this season from Batch 1 and I intend to do it. I will purchase the Rare Draws gradually, in case I won't need all of them, but I won't be that lucky.

The progression is ok, I guess. I forgot to take a screenshot of it at the beginning, so this is after I purchased the Legendary Draws:

And this is at the end, after everything was done:

5% progress added to the epics, and I can tell you it was a decent progress on legendaries even though it's not caught in the screenshots.

I am a bit annoyed about the slow progress on the Rare cards. I have 3 of them that aren't maxed, and it's difficult to catch them with the randomness that still exists at the Rare Draw.

This looks incredible, by the way! Almost like it was faked, lol:

Imagine how it felt opening them one by one. 😁 And here are the epics:

What is your strategy in the Glint Shop?

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