Splinterlands | Opening a Gladus pack

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It's always fun when it's time to open another pack.

My last 10 chaos legion packs weren't that great, so I'm hoping that I have better luck with the gladius cards here.

Fingers crossed...


Hmm, not great...

However, I must say that I do like Orella Abadon, he is actually a pretty solid card in many battles. Sadly, he is only the second copy that I have, and he only becomes a lot stronger at level 3 (which is 14 cards).

Still, it's a start.

The other rare card, alfredo, isn't really any good, I haven't used him ever. Some of these common cards are actually better in my opinion.

Alright, not great, but it could be worse. Also, I already have 445 merits saved up for my next pack, one fourth of the way there. That next pack is probably gonna contain that golden legendary :D

PS: Our guild is recruiting

Acolytes of Helio and disciples of helio are recruiting.

If you are an active splinterlands player, you are active on hive and are ready to hop on our discord, you might be the person we are looking for!

Feel free to leave a comment if you are interested!

(And yes, this guild is awesome and will give you more benefits than the average guild).


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