Battles Of The Day: Djinn Oshannus

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Djinn Oshannus It is one of my favorite legendary cards of the WATER deck, it is a very powerful magic attack card, it has a good amount of life points, an excellent speed level and although the magic attack level is not very high, it compensates with its abilities that makes it a very resistant and evasive card against magic attacks. That is why Djinn Oshannus is the main card of today's battles. By the way, the end of season rewards of a couple of days ago have been a total and complete crap.

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This first battle was quite difficult, since my opponent surpassed me in card level, however, this aspect is often insignificant, because strategy is often more important than the level of the cards (although the level also plays a very important factor in most cases). Anyway, somehow I could sense that my opponent would use some magic attack cards, therefore, I should somehow neutralize as many cards of that style and that is why, in addition to using Djinn Oshannus in the formation, I used another card that is more resistant to this type of attacks and a summoner that reduces the magic attack, and my strategy was as follows: In first position I placed the card that fulfills the function of "tank" card, the card that was going to receive the most damage in battle and that due to its "Void" ability, makes it even more resistant to this type of damage, in addition it also has a good amount of life points (11 points), so it is a very resistant card, it also has the "Slow" ability, which is always useful in many battles: Baakjira.

In second position I placed the main card of today: Djinn Oshannus, a card which also has the ability "Void", which makes it resistant to magical attacks, but also has the ability "Phase", which allows it to have a chance to dodge magical attacks. In the next 3 positions I placed ranged attack cards, because yes, I didn't really have any answer why I used that kind of cards, but what I did have for sure is that I wanted to use cards with the "Snipe" ability. And although the card in the third position, Naga Windmaster, does not have that ability, it is still a very useful ranged attack card. However, the cards in positions four and five do have the "Snipe" ability, those cards being the classic of classics: Centaur and Sniping Narwhal. And in the last position a card of 0 mana cost: Torrent Fiend. And as I mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, as I somehow knew that my opponent would use mostly magic attack cards, I used the summoner: Bortus, which subtracts -1 magic attack to my opponent's cards.

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Because I am often lazy to plan strategies, in this second battle I again used Baakjira in formation in first position, although the strategy in this battle is very different from the previous one and that again I could sense that my opponent would use magic attack cards, because I neutralized them a little using the summoner Bortus. Anyway, in the first position I placed Baakjira again, as I mentioned before, to act as a tank card in this battle. Secondly, it occurred to me to use a card with the ability "Reach" Why? I really don't know, but it worked. In third position I placed the main card of today's battles: Djinn Oshannus. In the next position, since there was the battle rule "Explosive Weaponry", so my cards (and those of my opponent) were going to be receiving extra damage constantly, so I needed a card that had some ability to heal, so Merdaali Guardian with his ability "Tank Heal" was the chosen card.

In penultimate position I placed a classic card from my collection and because I needed this battle to end as quickly as possible due to the "Explosive Weaponry" rule, I wanted to place a card with the "Swiftness" ability, so that my cards would be faster and logically the perfect card for that is: Spirit Miner. And in the last position I placed a card a bit random due to how the formation of this battle was already established and that card is: Pelacor Bandit.

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