Splinterlands - Similiar strategies with the "Back To Basics" ruleset


Hello Splinterlandians,

in this weeks Battle Mage Secrets challenge, organized by the Splinterlands team, a battle with the ruleset Back To Basics is required, where monsters loose all their abilities.

For that I have a battle from ony of my recently played tournaments (Scarred Hand Bronze Beginner Cup) for you. On the first look the featured ruleset sounds boring, but I would partly disagree. Yes, just playing with raw stats and the summoners abilities is not that interesting, but you must have a different view than usual on your cards, if you want to be sucessful.

Let's jump into the battle and thanks in advance for reading and every type of support!



Playable in my battle were the fire, life, death and dragon splinter, so I had a solid selection of splinters. With a mana cap of 99 I had the maximum available and will play with as many high mana cards as possible. Next to the Back To Basics ruleset were two other ones active: Lost Legendaries and Close Range. The first one is easy taking into account, I just kept in mind not playing any legendaries. But Close Range is interesting in combination with Back To Basics, because it gives the ranged attack monsters the ability to attack from the first position, while the monsters have no other abilities. Probably this match will feature many ranged attack monsters with this ruleset, so let's look at the lineups.


Click on the picture to replay the battle

I decided to play the life splinter with the summoner General Sloan, because he gives my ranged attack monsters one more attack point. On the first two spots I chose to play the two melee monsters with the highest raw stats available as tanks. On the third spot I played Time Meddler with solid life and armour stats and at the same time two magic attack. The last three cards were my damage dealers, with three ranged attackers. I played the one with the highest combination of life and armour as first ranged attacker and the one with the lowest as last one, because maybe in the end of the battle they have to tank on the first spot.

My opponent played a very similiar lineup to mine. The only difference was, that he played another ranged attacker instead of a magic attacker one the third spot like I did. That means he will deal a little bit more physical damage, but at this point I could hardly estimate who chose the better lineup.

It could be an advantage for my opponent, that he had some cards higher leveled than mine, but we will see how this affects the battle.

Battle Highlight:

Click on the picture to replay the battle

At the beginning of the second round of the battle my two melee tanks already died. The problem was, one of my opponents melee tanks was still alive with two life points. Here the advantage of higher leveled monsters affected the battle a little bit.

To win this battle I'll must have a little bit of luck on my side, because my opponent was in advantage. On the other hand, my Time Meddler had ten hitpoints with his combination of life and armour. The next "tank" from my opponent only had seven life points, so there was still a solid chance to win.


In the end I won the battle with the right attacks at the right time, good game to @repli.

The battle showed us two things in my opinion. First one is, that the ruleset Back To Basics isn't always boring to play and you have to choose your lineup wisely, especially in combination with other rulesets. And second is, that even when the lineup of your opponent looks very similiar to yours, there is most of the time a little difference, that could decide the battle.

Thanks for reading up to here and have some nice days!


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