Splinterlands - Should you upgrade your martyr monsters?


Hello Splinterlandians!

With the new souldbound reward cards the Splinterlands team introduced the new ability martyr. In this blog post I want to give you a quick overview for the ability and especially I want to clear the following question: Should you upgrade your martyr monsters? At the first look it sounds sensible to upgrade every card you can, but I will explain you the reason why it maybe isn't always sensible to upgrade your martyr monsters.

Have fun while reading and thanks in advance for every sort of support!



The martyr ability says the following: "When this Monster dies, adjacent Monsters get +1 to all stats." I would categorize the ability definitve as a support for your other monsters. Viewed intuitively monsters in your lineup with that ability should die in the early stages of the battle, so your adjacent monsters have the buffs as much long as possible. And here comes the sticking point: When you upgrade a monster card, it should reguarly get more lifepoints. But when your martyr monster has more lifepoints, it will die later in the battle and the adjacent monsters will get the buff later or never in the battle.

With that thesis in mind let's have a look at the monsters with the marty ability. I will just analyze those one, who have the ability at the first level, otherwise the question with upgrading does not arise.

Venari Marksrat:


As you can see the Venari Marksrat has two life points on the first level. Upgrading it up to level 3 it would just get two more lifepoints and no attack, speed, armour or another ability. So upgrading it to level 3 doesn't really makes sense in my opinion. From here upgrading the card won't get it another health point, so it stays at four health points, but it gets some other abilities and stats.

So the result for the Venari Marksrat is, when you are just able to play it up to the 3th level, you shouldn't upgrade it in my opinion, because it just gets some life points and no other advantage. When you are able to play it on higher levels, you should upgrade it.

Fungus Flinger:

Fungus Flinger.PNG

As you can see Fungus Flinger has nearly the same stats, when leveling up, as the Venari Marksrat before.

I could write down the same like before, but all in all here is the same result: When you are just able to play the card up to the 3th level, don't upgrade it. When you are able to play it on higher levels, it could be sensible to upgrade it.



The Firecaller is designed a bit differently than the cards before, when leveling it up. It has on all the different levels the same life points, namely four life points. Leveling it up gives him some ranged attack and speed points and on the 6th and 9th level new abilities.

So in my opinion you should upgrade this card in every case, when you are able to do it. The lifepoints always stay the same and it gets only advantages.


All in all it depends on the exact case if you should upgrade your martyr monster cards or not, as I explained in the previous examples.
Important to note is, that you maybe get a reward reduction in ranked battles when playing with low leveled cards and you will get less rewards.

What do you think about it? Feel free to discuss in the comments and I wish you some great days.

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