Splinterlands - Second place in a tournament!


Hello Splinterlandians,

my todays blog post I want to devote my recent result in a public tournament created by the Splinterlands team. You read it right, I ended up in the second place, which was my best result so far.

But I won't waste time, let's go a little bit deeper into the details.



The tournament was called "Scarred Hand Bronze Beginner Cup" hosted and created by the Splinterlands team. As you can see the tournament had only low requirements to participate (379 staked SPS and 2313 Collection Power) and you have to pay an entry fee about only 2 SPS. Overall 126 players participated and you are only allowed to play cards from Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers with the Bronze League level cap, so reward cards and older editions aren't allowed to play.

Tournaments, like that one, are hosted reagurarly by the Splinterlands team and I recommend everyone to participate, because, as you see at the reward structure, you are guaranteed to win your entry fee as a reward back. Only 126 players participated and even if you loose all your battles, you'll win 3 SPS, so you would made a profit of 1 SPS.


I haven't lost all my battles, in fact my result was 17 wins, 4 losses and 1 draw. A very strong result in my opinion and it ended up in my best placement so far, the second place. I have to mention, that I hardly owned/rented Riftwachters cards, so I used nearly only Chaos Legion cards. Maybe with some more Riftwatchers cards I would have won the tournament.

By the way, congrats to @eencelligbeest for the first and @yaiza111 for the third place!


In the end I received my reward of 20 SPS. Maybe it doesn't sound like a huge amount of SPS, but I only payed a entry fee of 2 SPS and increased it tenfold! In view of this I would recommend everyone again, to take a look at the upcoming tournaments, because it is possible to make a huge profit without having a risk to loose your entry fee.

Thanks for reading up to here and I wish you a great day!


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