Tournament turmoil: 2nd place Silvershield Knights, Silver league, Modern

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to my blog series "Tournament turmoil", where I report about my experiences in the Splinterlands tournaments. These articles will show you gameplay and renting strategies, aswell as general advices to up your performance in this fun playmode, including economical talk. Just give it a shot and share your opinion in the comment section below.

Tournament Turmoil 2nd place Silvershield Knights Modern.jpg

Those "Silvershield Knights are recruiting"-tournaments are my favorite ones, as they have nice gameplay with silver caps, okay costs to rent and an good entry fee-payout-ratio. The tournament from 22nd to 23rd March was held in the modern format. Allowed cards were from Chaos Legion, Untamed and Dice. Sadly reward cards aren´t allowed yet in those modern tournaments. Missing my Pelacor Bandit and Uraeus. Before we talk about my gameplay and renting strategy, lets check out the results:

So. damn. close! Only eight points of tiebreakers behind the great Ueyuey, a rank 1 player with an insanely high winrate. Never placed that high before. But all those rented high powered cards from Untamed and Dice (I own only Chaos Legion and Reward), some good lineups and a bit of luck took me all the way to the second place.

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Rental strategy

You seriously can´t aim for the best places, without access to Untamed and Dice in this game, no matter Wild or Modern, so I rented quite heavy for this one. Good for me: There were other tournaments aswell during this time window, so the rental cost was split across four tournaments and some ladder grinding for fun. Here are the cards I rented for the tournament:

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In death it was only a single card: Owster Rotwell, who gives all your creatures Magic Reflect. Paid a bit over 2.000 DEC for those cards, as I aimed for gold level cards (for the other tournaments). As you can see on the results, it worked out just fine.

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Gameplay strategy

As you already saw in the screenshot, I played 19:2, which is pretty awesome. Lets break down the archetypes, I´d chosen:

5 x Mylor Goodstuff
4 x Kitty / Life Earthquake
2 x Lorna Little League / Low Mana
2 x Yodin Zaku doing Yodinstuff
1 x Kitty Opportunity
1 x Owster Rise of the Commons
1 x Owster Back to Basics
1 x Thaddius Brood Little League

On top of these 17 games I had a whopping four byes from fleeing opponents on day one. As I said, my great showing resulted from a bit of luck aswell. In retrospective I see quite a lot of potential improvements. Some thoughts following:

  • Especially that Thaddius Brood game makes me quite mad, as it was one loss, that was definitely my fault. Instead of Thaddius I should have played Owster, aswell as including Riftwing. Stupid game that cost me rank one. But, we all should learn from our mistakes and just make it better the next time.

  • That Owster Back to Basics game was so thrilling. At the time my opponent locked in his team, the tournament was nearly over and I sitted on rank two. He finished day one with a clean sweep of 11:0, so I was pretty nervous. I bested him and progressed to rank one temporarly, until Ueyuey got me on tiebreakers in the last half hour of a two day tournament.

My MVPs in the tournament have been Mylor Crowling, Queen Mycelia and Byzantine Kitty.

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That´s all for today. Hope, you liked the content. If so, I would be happy about each upvote and comment. They help me, to produce more and better content in the future. Thank you in advance and good luck for all your games. See you again! 😉

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You haven´t played this awesome game yet, but are interested? Give it a shot. If you register through my link, I can help you at the beginning. Just message me here or on discord @Eledain#2058.

Play Splinterlands now!

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Credits to @nane-qts for those beautiful dividers and @kyo-gaming for those awesome silhouette images of the summoners.


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