Ray Of Hope - Modern Life Guide + Giveaway

Hello everybody today I wanted to highlight one of the more under represented splinter's in the game, the life splinter. A class that is built around support cards and highlight's a good number of ranged damage cards. In the right hands, the life deck can be absolutely deadly. Without further delay let's jump right into the monster introductions!
First off I want to talk about the main tank that you'll often be using if you're playing life the Shieldbearer. Shieldbearer is a 8 cost 2 damage, 2 speed, 4 shield, and 9 hp unit. Shieldbearer is equipped with the taunt ability drawing in all enemy fire. Shieldbearer is often the tank due to how valuable taunt is. It protects the many vulnerable units that life has so they can put out a high amount of damage. There are also many support units like the Venari Crystalsmith and the Scavo hireling that can help keep the Shieldbearer going all match. Due to these factors I think Shieldbearer is without a doubt a staple of the life deck.
Pelacor Arbalest
One of the main damage dealing units of the life deck is the Pelacor Arbalest. Pelacor Arbalest is a 6 cost, 2 ranged damage, 2 speed, and 2 hp unit. He has the double strike ability meaning he can attack twice every turn. Pelacor Arbalest alone is a beast, but if you're running General Sloan as your summoner then you'll be doing a whopping 6 damage a turn for 6 mana and that's hard to pass up. As long as you can learn to keep this guy alive the odds will be looking good for you in every match.
Stitch Leech
One of the great value units that the life deck has to offer is Stitch Leech. Stitch Leech is a 3 cost, 2 damage, 1 speed, 3 hp assassin. He has the sneak ability letting him attack the backline of your foe every turn. He is one of the best 3 mana drops for the life deck and is especially strong in the mini-league mode where you can only play creatures that cost 4 mana.
An amazing support unit to run to help keep all your important units alive is the Truthspeaker. Truthspeaker is a 3 cost, 2 speed, 1 hp unit. He has the protect ability providing all friendly units with 2 armor. Even though he doesn't have any attack the armor he provides your allies is invaluable for 3 mana. Helping a Pelacor Arbalest surviving an extra blow is often times a key moment in the game when you're playing life. Make sure you're scouting out your opponents though because playing him into an all magic lineup is a bummer.
Time Mage
One key card I see a lot of players forget about is the Time Mage. Time Mage is a 4 cost, 1 magic damage, 4 speed, and 3 hp beast. Time Mage has the slow ability slowing down all opponents by 1 speed. Slow is an ability that is hard to come by in the lower leagues and will be even harder once the modern format is introduced and the creeping ooze will no longer see play. Slow is incredible because it will have your units attacking first most of the time and providing a dodge element when your units are faster than your foes.
Djinn Renova
The Djinn Renova is an excellent secondary tank that can provide some much needed beefiness to your team as well. Djinn Renova is a 7 cost, 2 magic damage, 2 speed, 6 hp beefcake. She has the strengthen ability providing all friendly units with an additional extra hp. Djinn Renova is an excellent choice is a backup tank because she can keep dealing out damage from the first slot if your shieldbearer goes down and can help your friendly units survive through enemies and battle conditions alike.
Venari Crystalsmith
My healer of choice when it comes to the life deck is Venari Crystalsmith. Venari Crystalsmith is a 4 cost, 1 ranged attack, 2 speed, 4 hp unit. He has the tank heal ability healing the unit in the first position every round. He is an excellent choice to help keep your Shieldbearer and other friendly units that make their way to the front alive. Because he is also a ranged unit he can get up to 2 damage a turn with General Sloan as a splinter and that's not too shabby for 4 mana when paired with the tank heal.
Prismologist is also a solid choice for high mana games. Prismologist is an 8 mana, 3 ranged attack, 2 speed, 2 armor, 4 hp unit. She is equipped with the blast ability letting her do half her ranged damage to the foes who are beside her target. Prismologist can do some serious damage to the enemy team dealing out a potential 5 damage every turn just buy herself. If you can fit her into your lineup comfortably with mana restrictions I absolutely implore you to try her out.

Thank you everybody who participated in my last giveaway and I would like to congratulate @spryquasar for winning the venari seedsmith!

Today I will be giving out a Venari Crystalsmith to one lucky winner! To participate please like this post and leave a comment down below! Good luck to everyone who enters!

Thank you so much everybody who read this post. I really appreciate your time and I hope you learned a thing or two or got an idea for a card to use! If you're new to the game you can sign up to splinterlands using my referral and I will give you 500 Dec to start your journey! https://splinterlands.com?ref=eirth

Thank you all again and I hope you have a Splinterific day!

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